OneDios Tech

Protect Your Electronics : A Guide to Dealing with Monsoon Humidity

The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching heat and introduces high humidity levels, which can negatively affect your electronic devices. Excessive moisture in the air poses a significant risk to the performance and longevity of electronics, leading to malfunctions, corrosion, and potential damage. We know that electricity and water do not mix well and can cause significant harm, even in some cases, the loss of life. Thus, electrical appliances need special care and attention during extremely and frequently rainy days. Our technicians at OneDios are trained and highly skilled to provide preventive measures and deal with problems your appliances face during monsoons.

This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on protecting your electronics during the monsoon season.

Impact of Monsoon Humidity on Electronics

  1. Corrosion: High humidity levels increase the chances of corrosion on electronic components, especially metal ones. The moisture in the air reacts with the metal surfaces, leading to oxidation and potential damage to circuitry and connectors. This disrupts the electrical contact, thereby impacting the appliance’s performance.
  2. Malfunctions and Short Circuits: Moisture can penetrate the internal components of electronic devices, causing malfunctions and short circuits. The water can disrupt the flow of electricity, resulting in erratic behaviour or permanent damage to the device. OneDios helps protect your electronic goods from moisture and other possible damage. 
  3. Mould and Fungal Growth: Excessive moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for mould and fungi. These microorganisms can grow on electronic surfaces, affecting performance, clogging ventilation, and potentially releasing harmful spores into the environment. It would be best to relocate your appliances to dry places to avoid mould formation.
  4. Patches on LED/LCDs: Condensation and an abundance of moisture in the air are to blame for this. It leads to poor image quality and even dead screens.
  5. Electrical Leakage: Corroded wires or poor earthing/grounding of electrical points may make electronic appliances prone to leaks. The user and the equipment may both succumb as a result of this. It would be best to exercise caution as condensation-related water might be a good conductor for electric shocks or short circuits.

Tips to Protect Your Electronics During Monsoon Humidity

  1. Control Indoor Humidity: Maintain optimal indoor humidity levels between 40-60% to minimise the impact of moisture on your electronics. Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to reduce humidity levels and give appliances dust free atmosphere they require during this season.
  2. Use Silica Gel Packs and Dehumidifiers: Silica gel packs and dehumidifiers are excellent moisture absorbers. Place them near your electronic devices, inside cabinets or storage areas, to help reduce moisture and protect against corrosion. Remember to replace or recharge the silica gel packs periodically.
  3. Keep Devices in Dry Areas: Store your electronics in dry areas of your home or office. Avoid placing them near windows, leak-prone rooms, or basements where humidity levels may increase. If possible, use airtight containers or zip-lock bags to protect devices from moisture further.
  4. Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure your electronic devices have proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. Avoid covering devices with cloth or plastic, as this can trap humidity and contribute to condensation. Allow for sufficient airflow around the appliances to dissipate moisture.
  5. Clean and Inspect Regularly: Clean your electronic devices to remove dust, dirt, and moisture residue. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe surfaces and connectors. Additionally, inspect your devices for any signs of moisture or corrosion and immediately act if detected.
  6. Power Off and Unplug: Unplug your electronic devices when not used. This helps reduce the risk of electrical damage in case of power fluctuations or sudden surges caused by monsoon-related weather events.
  7. Invest in Surge Protectors: Install surge protectors or voltage stabilisers to safeguard your devices against power surges or voltage fluctuations often occurring during monsoon season. These devices provide an extra layer of protection and help mitigate the risks associated with an unstable power supply.
  8. Insurance is better than replacements:  Replacing existing appliances and their parts is tough. Not only does it make a hole in your pocket, but searching for original spare parts is not easy. Get your sensitive and expensive appliances insured before the rains and serviced after. Eventually, you can also opt for an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) or extended warranty from OneDios. Opting for an extended warranty protects your devices from moisture-related damages and ensures comprehensive customer service support when needed.

OneDios offers valuable customer service support to ensure the protection and longevity of your electronic devices during the monsoon season. Our knowledgeable customer service team can address your concerns, provide helpful tips, and assist you in safeguarding your devices against moisture-related issues.

If your electronic devices encounter any problems due to monsoon humidity, OneDios offers reliable maintenance and repair services. Our authorised service centres and skilled technicians can address issues caused by moisture damage, perform necessary repairs, and restore the functionality of your devices. OneDios provides extended warranty plans that offer additional coverage beyond the manufacturer’s warranty period. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Bosch, LG, Voltas, Daikin, Samsung, etc.

OneDios keeps you informed about the status of your service requests, providing real-time updates. Our transparent approach ensures you know your appliance’s repair or maintenance progress, enhancing customer satisfaction and peace of mind.


Protecting your electronic devices during the monsoon season is crucial to maintain their performance and extend their lifespan. Following the tips above, you can mitigate the risks associated with monsoon humidity and keep your electronics safe. OneDios, with its expert guidance and customer service, maintenance and repair services, and extended warranty plans, offers valuable assistance in safeguarding your devices. Embrace the protection and reliability of OneDios, and enjoy a worry-free monsoon season with your electronic gadgets. 

Designed to create the ultimate user convenience, OneDios is pioneering the edge of customer service in every possible way. OneDios is the one-stop shop for all home appliance service and repair needs. OneDios has a dedicated service centre, one of the most vital points that make it stand out in the industry. At OneDios, you can also schedule the next appliance service in advance. OneDios now covers over 1350+ cities in India.

OneDios Tech

Smart Tips for Slashing Your Home Electricity Bill

Electricity bills can often be a significant part of monthly expenses. Using more energy than necessary to power household appliances, light bulbs, heaters, and other electronics generates higher utility bills and contributes to environmental pollution and harm. However, by making smart changes to your energy consumption habits and implementing energy-efficient measures, you can significantly reduce your home electricity bill without sacrificing comfort or convenience. OneDios aims to offer a top-class professional facility for repair, fitting, and appliance service. 

Follow these simple yet effective tips for cutting your electricity bill while being environmentally conscious.

1. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Older appliances tend to be less energy-efficient. An inefficient refrigerator can increase the annual electricity bill of a household by as much as Rs 4,000-5,000 in some cases. Consider replacing them with Energy Star-rated appliances designed to consume less electricity, especially large appliances. While there’s an initial cost, the long-term savings on your electricity bill can be substantial. Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10-50% less energy than standard appliances and help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. 

2. Unplug Devices and Chargers

Many devices and chargers continue to draw power even when not used. Notably, electronic devices such as televisions, refrigerators, DVD players, chargers and computers continue to consume electricity even when switched off. Certain appliances never truly power down and operate in a standby mode that still utilises electricity. To save money, it’s a good idea to make unplugging these devices a regular practice when they’re not in use.

3. Optimize Your Lighting

Switch to LED or CFL bulbs, which use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer. LEDs have over 10-25 years of life and consume 50% less electricity than CFLs. LEDs cost more than CFLs but are known to be energy efficient because 95% of the energy in LEDs is converted into light, and only 5% is wasted as heat. Also, habitually turn off lights when you leave a room and utilise natural daylight whenever possible. Install dimmer switches and motion sensors that turn off when you leave the room.

4. Adjust Your Thermostat

Heating and cooling account for a large portion of your electricity bill. In the winter, lower your thermostat a few degrees and wear warm clothing to stay comfortable. In the summer, raise the thermostat and use fans to circulate air. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat to optimise temperature settings automatically. The recommended water temperature is 50 degrees to save energy and prevent burns. The ideal room temperature is around 24 degrees.

5. Seal Leaks and Insulate

Proper insulation and sealing gaps and leaks in your home can prevent drafts, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Check for gaps around doors, windows, and pipes, and seal them.

6. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances Wisely

Even energy-efficient appliances can consume a lot of electricity if not used efficiently. Run your dishwasher and washing machine with full loads, and consider using cold water for laundry. Use the dryer sparingly, opting to air dry clothes when possible. When the fridge and freezer are fully stocked, they work more efficiently by preventing air from circulating too much and consuming less energy. To maximise their efficiency, avoid opening the fridge/freezer multiple times daily. If you’re concerned about the energy consumption in your home, don’t hesitate to contact OneDios today, and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

7. Cook Efficiently

Cooking can be a significant contributor to your electricity bill. Use microwave ovens, slow cookers, or toaster ovens for small meals, as they are generally more energy-efficient than traditional ovens. When using the stove or oven, cook multiple items simultaneously to save energy.

8. Install Solar Panels

If feasible, consider installing solar panels on your roof. Solar energy can significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity and, in some cases, even allow you to sell excess energy back to the grid.

9. Conduct an Energy Audit

Consider hiring a professional or conducting a DIY energy audit to identify areas where your home wastes energy. An energy audit can pinpoint specific areas for improvement and help you prioritise energy-saving upgrades. If you’re concerned about the energy consumption in your home, don’t hesitate to contact OneDios today, and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.


10. Keep Appliances Well Maintained


Regular maintenance and servicing of household appliances, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers, are crucial for improving efficiency and preventing costly repairs. By addressing issues and repairing appliances on time, we can reduce energy consumption and prevent inefficient appliances from working harder than necessary to achieve the desired output. OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all appliance service or AMC-related issues and queries without calling various people or seeking phone numbers.


You can effectively reduce your home electricity bill by implementing these tips and being mindful of your energy consumption habits. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. If you feel your appliance service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate a service request in a few clicks. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Bosch, LG, Voltas, Daikin, Hitachi etc.

OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all your services, complaints against the repair, and extended warranty requests. Download the OneDios app and upload the details of your appliances today. It even logs when you last got your oven serviced and parts replaced. OneDios will also help keep track of your previous services, and you can fix your appliance’s next service in advance. OneDios now also covers over 1350 postcodes in India. Cutting down on your energy consumption benefits your wallet, helps conserve valuable natural resources, and reduces your carbon footprint.

OneDios Tech

Water Dispenser/Cooler Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

A handy and helpful water dispenser offers immediate access to refreshing drinking water. It’s more economical than buying individual plastic bottles, as it dispenses the precise amount of water you need and reduces the amount of plastic waste that needs to be recycled. There are a variety of coolers to choose from that offer different water temperatures and sizes. Some options include dispensing room temperature water, chilled water, and heated water. In addition, many coolers come with valuable features such as removable drip trays and lighted control panels. Prices can vary depending on the size and features of the cooler. 

Regardless of the type of cooler you select, it is crucial to clean it regularly. Even if the cooler claims to be self-cleaning, routine maintenance is necessary to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and eliminate mineral deposits from the internal components. Additionally, the exterior requires frequent cleaning to wipe away fingerprints and eliminate bacteria left by hands on the controls. For proper maintenance and regular cleaning, download the OneDios app to ensure the water dispensed remains safe, healthy, and free from contaminants. 

This blog delves into essential water dispenser maintenance and cleaning tips to keep your appliance functioning optimally and your hydration experience delightful.

1.Regular Cleaning ScheduleWater Dispenser

Mistake: Neglecting regular cleaning can lead to the buildup of bacteria, mould, and impurities in the dispenser’s components.

Solution: Create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Aim to clean the dispenser at least once a month to maintain optimal hygiene. OneDios provides a convenient solution by offering scheduled maintenance services for water dispensers. With their network of authorised service providers, they ensure that trained professionals clean the water cooler as required, ensuring optimal performance and water quality.

2. Disconnect Power

Mistake: Failing to disconnect the power source before cleaning can lead to accidents or damage to the dispenser.

Solution: Unplug the dispenser from the power source before cleaning to ensure your safety.

3. Empty and Drain

Mistake: Not emptying the water reservoir before cleaning can make the process messier and less effective.

Solution: Empty the water reservoir and drain any leftover water to prevent spills during cleaning. Download the OneDios app and book your water cooler service in 6 clicks.

4. Remove and Clean Components

Mistake: Cleaning only the exterior of the dispenser and neglecting internal components can compromise water quality.

Solution: To clean your machine thoroughly, remove all removable parts like the drip tray, water guard and nozzles. Soak these pieces in warm, soapy water and gently scrub them to remove dirt or buildup. Use a soft-bristled brush to clean the entire area, including nooks and corners, and remove any mildew stains that may be present. If you think your water dispenser isn’t working correctly or want to schedule a routine check-up or cleaning, download the OneDios app and book your water cooler service in 6 clicks.

5. Sanitizing Solutions

Mistake: Using harsh chemicals or bleach for cleaning can leave harmful residues and affect the taste of the water.

Solution: Opt for mild, food-safe sanitising solutions. Mix 3-part water and 1-part vinegar or a water-safe sanitiser according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

6. Scrub the Reservoir

Mistake: Failing to clean the water reservoir thoroughly can lead to bacterial growth and odours.

Solution: Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the interior of the water reservoir, focusing on hard-to-reach areas. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

7. Clean the Nozzles

Mistake: Neglecting to clean the nozzles can lead to clogs and impurities in the water flow.

Solution: Use a small brush or pipe cleaner to clean the nozzles and ensure unobstructed water flow. Rinse them thoroughly after cleaning. If you think your water dispenser isn’t working correctly or want to schedule a routine check-up or cleaning, download the OneDios app and book your water cooler service in 6 clicks

8. Rinse Thoroughly

Mistake: Not thoroughly rinsing the dispenser components can leave soapy residue or sanitising solution behind.

Solution: After cleaning, rinse all components with clean water multiple times to ensure there are no traces of cleaning agents.

10. Allow to Dry Completely

Mistake: Reassembling the dispenser before it dries can lead to mould growth.

Solution: Allow all components to air dry completely before reassembling the dispenser.

11. Replace Filters

Mistake: Neglecting to replace filters on time can compromise the quality of water dispensed.

Solution: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for filter replacement. Regularly changing filters ensure that the water remains pure and free from contaminants. To get the filters replaced on time, download the OneDios app now. OneDios also helps you track your previous water cooler service details, the next service due date, and the parts replaced.

12. Clean the water cooler every time you make a bottle change or refill it.

13. Wipe down the water dispenser’s exterior daily. Use a damp cloth or a drop of mild soap to remove grease, oil and fingerprints.

14. Drain the drip tray frequently, preventing mould formation.


A well-maintained and clean water dispenser provides safe and refreshing drinking water and extends the appliance’s life. By incorporating these maintenance and cleaning tips into your routine, you’ll ensure that your water dispenser continues to function optimally and that your water remains of the highest quality. 

Access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial for maintaining good health. To ensure your family’s well-being and prolong the lifespan of your water cooler, it is essential to take proper care of it. This includes regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and effective troubleshooting to ensure the device remains dependable and long-lasting. With OneDios, a platform offering regular service and extended warranty, you can effectively address common water dispenser problems. 

Please remember that if you want to complete your water cooler service, raise a water cooler service request with OneDios. You won’t need to call various people or search for phone numbers. OneDios provides an end-to-end solution for all your water dispenser service and repair-related issues. Download the OneDios app today. OneDios now covers over 1350 cities in India.

Remember, a little care goes a long way in ensuring your hydration experience is nothing short of refreshing and delightful.

OneDios Tech

DIY Appliance Care Tips for Summer

As the scorching summer sun shines high in the sky, we use our home appliances more frequently to create a cool and comfortable living environment. However, this increased dependence on these appliances highlights the significance of maintaining them in good working condition. Regular maintenance paves the way for a seamless summer experience and breathes life into our appliances, extending their lifespan and boosting their efficiency. Imagine the satisfaction of sipping a cold drink, courtesy of your well-maintained refrigerator, or relaxing in a cool room, thanks to an air conditioner humming smoothly in the background. Let’s commit to caring for our household helpers this season, ensuring they serve us well during these hot months and beyond. Schedule an appliance customer care service with OneDios before the summer heat gets too scorching.

Here, we offer a blend of DIY maintenance tips for common summer appliance issues and guide you on when to call the professionals via OneDios.

1. Air Conditioners

  • Clean or Replace Filters: Did you know that you can quickly improve the air quality in your home all by yourself? All you need to do is ensure your air filters are clean. This will improve both the efficiency and overall air quality in your home. Just remember to clean or replace your filters every 1-3 months during periods of high usage. 
  • Check and Clean the Condenser Coils: Outdoor air conditioning units can accumulate dust and debris, making them less efficient over time. Cleaning them with a gentle stream of water from a hose can help remove these particles and improve the unit’s performance.

2. Refrigerators

  • Vacuum the Condenser Coils: Over time, dust and pet hair can build up on your refrigerator’s coils, typically located at the back or underneath the unit. This build-up can cause your refrigerator to work less efficiently, increasing energy costs. Cleaning the coils with a vacuum is an excellent way to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.
  • Check Door Seals: To ensure that your refrigerator functions appropriately, it’s essential to ensure that the seals on the door are tight and free of debris. You can clean the seals with soapy water to remove any dirt or grime that may have accumulated. This will help ensure that the door closes properly, preventing cold air from escaping and keeping your food fresh for longer periods of time.

3. Washing Machines

  • Inspect Hoses: It is highly recommended that hoses be inspected regularly for any signs of leaks or bulging. As a preventative measure, hoses should be replaced every 3-5 years to avoid potential damage. By following this simple maintenance routine, you can keep your hoses in optimal condition and ensure their longevity.
  • Clean the Lint Filter: Regularly cleaning the lint trap in your washing machine effectively prevents blockages and ensures that the machine runs optimally. This simple maintenance step can help you avoid costly repairs and keep your laundry room functioning smoothly.
  • Clean and dust your electronics. Dust and debris can accumulate on their surfaces and vents, hindering proper airflow and causing them to overheat. Start by cleaning your devices using a soft, lint-free cloth. Please pay close attention to the vents, which collect the most dust. OneDios offers maintenance scheduling services, allowing you to conveniently schedule a professional cleaning for your electronics through their platform.
  • Proper ventilation prevents heat buildup in your home electronics. Ensure that your devices have sufficient space around them for adequate airflow.
  • Summer thunderstorms often bring the risk of power surges, which can damage sensitive electronic devices. Consider investing in surge protectors or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units to protect your electronics.
  • Extreme temperatures can adversely affect the performance and lifespan of your electronics. Check the ambient temperature in the areas where your devices are located.

When to Call the Professionals

Although many maintenance tasks can be completed at home, there are certain circumstances where it is advisable to seek professional assistance. OneDios can help facilitate this process seamlessly.

1. Air Conditioners

  • Strange Noises or Smells: If your AC is making unusual sounds or emitting strange smells, it could indicate a serious issue that requires professional attention.
  • Poor Cooling Performance: If the air conditioner isn’t cooling effectively even after cleaning filters and coils, there might be an issue with the refrigerant levels or internal components. OneDios provides a platform to schedule air conditioner maintenance, including filter cleaning and servicing, ensuring that your cooling system operates efficiently.

2. Refrigerators

  • Constant Cycling or Running: If your refrigerator runs constantly, this could be a sign of inefficiency that might require a professional to recalibrate or repair the thermostat or a possible motor issue.
  • Water Leaks: Any leaks around your refrigerator are a sign to call a professional to check water lines or the ice maker connection. Contact technicians at OneDios to address the problem.

3. Washing Machines

  • Excessive Noise or Vibration: If your washer is excessively noisy or vibrates more than usual, it might indicate an unbalanced drum or other mechanical issues that require professional expertise.
  • Water Not Filling the Drum: If you notice that water isn’t filling the drum correctly, this could be due to a faulty inlet valve or a problem with the water level switch. Set up a customer care service appointment for your washing machine with OneDios.

OneDios offers a user-friendly mobile app that simplifies the process of calling in professionals for appliance services. With just a few taps on the app, you can schedule an appointment with certified technicians with the right skills and knowledge to handle complex issues. OneDios also maintains a detailed history of all your appliance services, which can prove helpful for warranty claims or future troubleshooting. Using OneDios saves time, energy, and effort, making it an efficient way to manage your appliance repairs and services.

Regular DIY maintenance can significantly enhance the efficiency of your appliances during the summer months. Yet, seeking professional assistance is advisable when faced with more intricate challenges. Utilising OneDios simplifies arranging expert services, offering peace of mind that your appliances are meticulously cared for, thus ensuring uninterrupted summer comfort. OneDios offers extended warranty options that provide coverage beyond the manufacturer’s warranty period. By opting for an extended warranty, you can protect your electronics against unexpected repair costs and gain access to authorised technicians for repairs or replacements. Proactively maintaining your appliances elevates their performance and represents a cost-effective strategy by preventing expensive repairs and premature replacements over time.

OneDios Tech

Demystifying Energy Star Certified Appliances

Demystifying Energy Star Certified Appliances

Energy Star has become a household name in an era where energy efficiency and sustainability are paramount. You’ve likely seen the Blue Energy Star label on various appliances and electronics, but what does it mean? As a homeowner, using energy-efficient appliances that can improve your lifestyle, save money, and protect the environment is essential. By upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, you can lower your electricity bills and also help reduce the emission of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, thereby contributing towards a greener planet.

In this blog, we’ll demystify Energy Star-certified appliances, exploring what they are, how they benefit you, and why they are crucial in reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. If you’re concerned about the energy consumption in your home, don’t hesitate to contact OneDios today, and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

What Is Energy Star Certification?

ENERGY STAR products are the same or better than standard products, only they use less energy. Established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1992, Energy Star is a voluntary program promoting energy-efficient products and practices to encourage energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy Star-qualified televisions use 30% less energy than average.

Energy Star certification is awarded to products that meet the EPA’s specific energy efficiency criteria. These criteria vary depending on the type of appliance but generally require products to perform as well as or better than their non-certified counterparts while consuming less energy.

Why Choose Energy Star Certified Appliances?

  1. Energy Savings: Energy Star-certified appliances are designed to consume significantly less energy than their standard counterparts. These appliances incorporate advanced technologies, such as improved insulation, high-efficiency motors, and optimised designs, resulting in lower energy consumption. A more effective machine will require less energy to complete the same task than a less effective one, saving you money each time you use it. This translates into lower utility bills, saving you money over the long term. For instance, an Energy Star-rated refrigerator can use up to 15% less energy than non-certified models.
  2. Environmental Benefits: You’re contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future by choosing Energy Star appliances. Efficient appliances consume less energy and significantly reduce the demand on local power grids. Resulting in decreased dependence on fossil fuels, lower greenhouse gas emissions, less water consumption, and a reduced carbon footprint from your home to the power plant. All of which contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.
  3. High Performance: Energy Star appliances are not just about energy efficiency; they also undergo rigorous testing to ensure they perform as well as or better than conventional models. You can expect top-notch performance and functionality. These appliances incorporate the latest technology, which makes them energy-efficient and requires less maintenance. This means you won’t need to replace them as frequently as their outdated counterparts. If you feel your appliance service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate a service request in a few clicks.
  4. Incentives and Rebates: Many governments and utility companies offer incentives, rebates, or tax credits to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient appliances. Choosing Energy Star products can make you eligible for these financial benefits. You can download the OneDios app and book your appliance service for an extended warranty or service in a few seconds.
  5. Saves Water and Cost-effective: Energy-efficient appliances can improve household efficiency by reducing water usage. Lower energy consumption leads to lower electricity bills throughout the appliance’s life. Although the initial cost of an Energy Star-certified appliance may be slightly higher, the long-term savings can balance out the higher upfront cost. By using Energy Star-certified appliances, you can reduce your electricity bills by up to 30% annually. With OneDios’ extended warranty plans and customer service, you can enjoy your Energy Star-certified appliances’ long-term performance and reliability.

Types of Energy Star Certified Appliances

Energy Star certification covers a wide range of appliances and equipment commonly found in homes, including:

  1. Refrigerators: Energy Star-certified refrigerators use advanced insulation and efficient compressors to reduce energy consumption.
  2. Washers and Dryers: Energy Star washing machines use less water and energy, while dryers are designed to dry clothes more efficiently.
  3. Dishwashers: Energy Star dishwashers use less water and have innovative features like soil sensors to optimise cleaning.
  4. HVAC Systems: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems that meet Energy Star standards are more efficient and can reduce heating and cooling costs.
  5. Lighting: Energy Star-certified LED bulbs use up to 70% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last much longer.
  6. Electronics: Energy Star also covers various electronics, including computers, monitors, and office equipment like copiers and printers.


Energy Star-certified appliances are a practical choice for homeowners who want to save energy, reduce utility bills, and minimise their environmental impact. By choosing Energy Star products, you’re investing in a more sustainable future and enjoying the benefits of superior performance and potential financial incentives. Embrace sustainability, reduce your carbon footprint, and enjoy peace of mind with OneDios and Energy Star-certified appliances in your home.

So, the next time you shop for appliances or electronics, look for the blue Energy Star label—it’s a simple yet impactful way to make your home more energy-efficient and eco-friendly.

OneDios Tech

The Importance of Timely Repairs: Avoiding Costly Appliance Breakdowns

Our homes are equipped with various appliances that enhance our comfort and convenience. These appliances, ranging from air conditioners that provide relief during hot summers to refrigerators that preserve our food, are vital to our daily routines. However, like all mechanical devices, appliances are vulnerable to wear and tear over time. At OneDios, we recognise that your home appliances are not just luxuries but necessities integral to your daily life. It’s important to address minor appliance issues quickly to avoid significant breakdowns that could cause stress or property damage, especially during critical times like summer and monsoon.

This blog will delve into the importance of timely repairs and their benefits to our appliances and wallets.

1. Avoiding Catastrophic Breakdowns

Imagine your air conditioner suddenly breaking down in the peak of summer or your refrigerator failing during the rainy season, leaving your perishable food at risk. It can be very troublesome and costly to deal with these situations. However, you can avoid these major breakdowns by handling minor problems as soon as they arise.

Most major appliance malfunctions start as minor, subtle problems that, if left unattended, can escalate into more significant issues. Download the OneDios app or call an experienced technician from OneDios when your appliances are not operating correctly or for regular maintenance. Regularly inspecting and servicing your appliances can help identify and fix these minor problems before they become costly breakdowns. Timely repairs save you money and spare you from the hassle of dealing with unexpected appliance failures when you need them the most.

2. Prolonging Appliance Lifespan

Appliances are significant investments, and we expect them to serve us for many years. However, neglecting minor repairs can lead to premature wear and tear, drastically reducing the lifespan of your appliances. It’s important to address minor appliance issues to prevent further damage and potential failure. For example, a dishwasher or washing machine that is blocked or clogged will work harder and at higher temperatures than intended, leading to premature failure. Professional technicians from OneDios are well-trained and quick to point out any underlying issues and fix them before they can cause any damage. 

On the other hand, timely repairs and regular maintenance can extend the life of your appliances. By addressing problems early on, you ensure that your appliances continue to operate efficiently and effectively for their intended lifespan.

3. Saving Money on Costly Repairs

One of the most compelling reasons to prioritise timely repairs is the potential cost savings. Minor issues are generally easier and cheaper to fix compared to significant breakdowns. If you notice any signs of malfunctioning, such as strange noises, leaks, or inadequate performance, it is crucial to seek professional help. At OneDios, we help you take care of all your home appliances. You can submit a service request in a few clicks without calling various people or searching for phone numbers.

When you address problems early, you can avoid the need for extensive repairs or even complete appliance replacements. Think of it as a proactive approach to appliance care. Taking a proactive approach to maintenance and repairs can save you money in the long run. Instead of waiting for something to break, investing in regular maintenance and immediate repairs is better to prevent the situation from becoming more expensive. Doing so can avoid costly repairs and ensure that your appliance runs smoothly.

4. Energy Efficiency and Lower Utility Bills

Appliances needing repair often consume more energy than their properly functioning counterparts. For instance, a refrigerator with a faulty door seal will struggle to maintain its internal temperature, leading to higher energy consumption. An air conditioner with a clogged filter will work harder and draw more power to provide adequate cooling. Common culprits are blocked ducts or tubes, clogged filters, and faulty sensors. You can book the service on OneDios here for routine maintenance and repair of home appliances of any brand. 

Timely repairs restore the efficiency of your appliances and help you save on utility bills. Energy-efficient appliances reduce your environmental footprint and contribute to significant long-term cost savings.

5. Safety First

Regular maintenance of appliances is crucial in preventing safety hazards. Appliances that run on gas or electricity have the potential to cause fires, and malfunctioning appliances are responsible for thousands of house fires every year. It is essential to prioritise routine appliance maintenance to avoid damage or injury caused by these fires. Scheduled maintenance allows technicians to inspect and rectify these issues, ensuring the safe operation of your appliances. For extended warranty or appliance service, you can download the OneDios app and book your home appliance service in a few seconds.

It is vital to maintain your appliances to ensure the safety of your home and property. For instance, a dishwasher not draining properly can cause flooding in your kitchen, while a refrigerator running too warm can make your entire family sick. A dryer with a blocked vent can also pose a serious fire hazard, potentially burning your house down. Therefore, call for appliance service at regular intervals. OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all your home appliance service or AMC-related issues and queries.


Timely repairs for your appliances are not just a matter of convenience; they are crucial for avoiding costly breakdowns, ensuring their longevity, and saving money. If you require appliance repair services, contact OneDios’ reliable technicians who specialise in repairing appliances of all brands like Samsung, LG, Daikin, Voltas, etc. By addressing minor issues promptly, you can maintain the efficiency of your appliances, keep your home comfortable during critical times like summer and monsoon, and prevent unnecessary expenses.

Don’t wait for an appliance to completely malfunction before taking action. Consider partnering with a reputable service provider like OneDios to schedule regular maintenance and promptly address minor repairs. At OneDios, we provide prompt, efficient and reliable repair services. We offer multiple services, including installation, repair, maintenance, extended warranty, and more. Our team of skilled technicians has the knowledge and experience to handle various appliance repairs, from refrigerators and dishwashers to ovens and washing machines. 

Remember, a little investment in timely repairs can go a long way in preserving the functionality and longevity of your valuable appliances. OneDios has a vast network of authorised service centres nationwide, covering a wide range of appliance brands and types. OneDios provides proactive maintenance reminders to help you stay on top of your appliance servicing schedules. Our user-friendly website and mobile app make it easy for customers to book services online. We also provide transparent pricing and service warranty, ensuring customer satisfaction.

OneDios Tech

Summer Power Outages and Surge Protection: How to Safeguard Your Electronic Devices

Summer brings challenges, and power outages are the season’s most common. Whether due to increased demand on the electrical grid or severe weather conditions, power disruptions can wreak havoc on our daily routines, especially when it comes to electronic devices. The sudden loss of power and subsequent surges can damage sensitive electronic equipment, leading to expensive repairs or permanent damage. Before the summer heat becomes intolerably intense, make an appointment for appliance customer service with OneDios.

A power surge is a sudden increase in electrical voltage that exceeds the standard voltage level for a brief period. Power surges can occur for various reasons, such as lightning strikes, power grid fluctuations, or power restoration after an outage. Experiencing a temporary power outage may not seem like a big deal, but power surges can have serious consequences. They can destroy electronics, appliances and even cause electrical fires in severe cases. These surges pose a significant risk to electronic devices as they can permanently damage internal components.

Surge protection is crucial to safeguarding your electronic devices from the damaging effects of power surges. Surge protectors act as a buffer between your devices and the electrical supply, redirecting excess voltage away from your appliances and ensuring they receive only the appropriate voltage. Investing in surge protection devices is a proactive measure that helps protect your valuable electronic equipment and extends its lifespan. 

Utilising high-quality surge protectors (also called suppressors) to protect your devices from power surge damage is highly recommended. It is advisable to connect all programmable devices and appliances, such as computer equipment, home entertainment systems, fax machines, telephones, and other digital electronic devices, through a surge protector. This practice will provide peace of mind and safeguard against potential damage. For any query regarding the inverter or surge protector, please call experts at OneDios.

This blog will explore how you can safeguard your electronic devices during summer power outages.

1. Selecting the Right Surge Protector: Not all surge protectors are created equal surge protection. Choosing a suitable surge protector is essential based on your specific needs. Consider factors such as the Joule rating (which determines the surge protector’s capacity to absorb excess voltage), the number of outlets, and additional features like USB ports or Ethernet protection. Look for UL-listed surge protectors, as this ensures that they meet industry safety standards. 

Surge protectors with a high joule rating (2000+ joules) can help protect critical appliances during a power surge. Consider purchasing appliance-grade surge protectors for your home’s computer, refrigerator, washer and dryer, air conditioning unit, or home theatre system. 

2. Whole-House Surge Protection: Besides individual surge protectors for your electronic devices, consider installing a whole-house surge protection system. These systems protect your home by diverting excess voltage from all the connected appliances and devices. Whole-house surge protection systems are typically installed at the electrical panel or meter, ensuring that all incoming power is adequately protected. In the event of a power surge, a whole home surge protector will safeguard every outlet in the home. For getting whole-house surge protection contact the OneDios customer service team for assistance.

3. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances: Modern appliances like air conditioning units and refrigerators are created to be more energy-efficient, reducing electricity bills. These appliances are less susceptible to power surges due to their lower electricity consumption, making them more durable than older models. For any query regarding energy-efficient appliances, please call experts at OneDios.

4. Unplug During Outages: During summer power outages, it’s advisable to unplug your electronic devices to protect them from power surges when the power is restored. When power is suddenly restored after an outage, it can create voltage spikes that can damage sensitive electronics. By disconnecting your devices from the power source during outages, you eliminate the risk of power surges and potential damage to your electronics. 

Safety is of utmost importance. Lightning can enter your home through electrical wires and potentially harm you. It may also affect any electronics that are plugged in, which could result in an electric shock.

5. Use OneDios for Enhanced Protection: OneDios, a comprehensive service management platform, can assist you in safeguarding your electronic devices during power outages and surges. OneDios provides services for various inverter brands, including Okaya, Luminous, and Amaron, which offer reliable power backup solutions. Installing an inverter from one of these brands and registering it on the OneDios platform can ensure an uninterrupted power supply during outages, protecting your devices from sudden power loss and potential damage.

6. Remote Monitoring and Maintenance: OneDios offers remote monitoring and maintenance features that allow you to keep track of your inverter’s performance and schedule regular maintenance. By monitoring your inverter’s status, you can detect potential issues early on and take proactive measures to address them. OneDios provides easy access to authorised service technicians for these inverter brands, simplifying scheduling maintenance or repairs when needed.

7. Extended Warranty Coverage: Investing in extended warranty coverage for your electronic devices provides an added layer of protection. OneDios offers extended warranty plans for various appliances and devices, including inverters, allowing you to enjoy coverage beyond the standard warranty period. With extended warranty coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your devices are protected against unexpected repairs or replacements.

8. Safety Tips During Power Outages: Besides surge protection measures, following safety guidelines during power outages is essential to prevent damage to your electronic devices. 

  • Avoid plugging multiple devices into a single outlet, which can overload the circuit and increase the risk of electrical damage. Remove all the extra load in case of overload, or call OneDios for professional help.
  • Use surge protectors with built-in circuit breakers to prevent overload situations. 
  • Additionally, when power is restored after an outage, wait for a stable power supply before reconnecting your devices to avoid voltage spikes.
  • It is highly recommended that homeowners residing in older houses have their wiring assessed by a licensed electrician. You must make an appointment for customer service with OneDios and seek professional assistance or inspect the wiring. Outdated and deteriorated wiring can result in voltage surges, but this issue can be resolved through proper inspection and maintenance.

In conclusion, power outages and surges during the summer can threaten your electronic devices. By investing in surge protection devices, using whole-house surge protection systems, and following safety guidelines, you can minimise the risk of damage caused by power surges. Platforms like OneDios provide additional assistance by offering reliable inverter brands like Luminous, Amaron, Okaya, Powerzone, and Exide, remote monitoring, maintenance scheduling, and extended warranty coverage. By leveraging the benefits provided by OneDios and implementing surge protection measures, you can safeguard your electronic devices, enjoy an uninterrupted power supply during outages, and extend the lifespan of your valuable electronic equipment.

OneDios Tech

Spring Travel and Appliance Safety

As the weather warms up and spring approaches, many start planning vacations and trips. However, before you pack your bags and head out for some much-needed relaxation, it’s essential to take some time to focus on home safety. Specifically, you should pay attention to the safety of your home appliances, which could pose a potential hazard if not properly maintained. This could include unplugging specific devices, such as toasters and coffee makers, or turning off your water heater to reduce the risk of flooding. 

To ensure the safety and security of your home and appliances while you’re away on a spring vacation, you can take some simple measures. OneDios can help you with standard safety precautions to remember before going on vacation. By following these precautions, you can ensure the well-being of your household and the longevity of your appliances.

Appliance Safety Tips for Spring Vacationers:

1.Check and Maintain Batteries: This involves checking the batteries of your home security system, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are fully charged and operating correctly. Having spare batteries on hand in an emergency is also a good idea. By taking these simple steps, you can help ensure the safety and security of your home and loved ones, even when you’re away.

2.Prevent Water Damage: It’s essential to regularly inspect all water connections in your home, especially those that are connected to appliances like your washing machine, dishwasher, and refrigerator. Even a tiny leak can lead to significant water damage over time. Therefore, it’s advisable to check for leaks or signs of damage, such as cracks or corrosion, at least once a month.

If you’re planning to be away from your home for an extended period, shutting off the main water supply is wise to prevent any potential leaks or water damage while you’re away. These precautions can save you from costly repairs and ensure your home is safe and secure. An AMC plan or extended warranty would help you care for all unexpected maintenance and repair needs. Download the OneDios app now.

3.Ensure Dryer Safety: Clean the lint from your vent and lint trap. Lint buildup is a common cause of fires, so ensuring your dryer is lint-free before leaving is a crucial safety measure.

4.Unplug Non-Essential Appliances: To minimise the risk of electrical issues and save energy, it’s recommended to unplug small appliances like toasters, microwaves, and coffee makers when they’re not in use. Even when turned off, these appliances consume a small amount of energy, known as “phantom energy” or “standby power”, which can add up over time and increase your electricity bill. By unplugging them, you can ensure they’re not using any energy and reduce the risk of electrical hazards caused by faulty wiring or power surges. It’s a simple yet effective way to promote safety, save money, and reduce environmental impact. OneDios app is a one-stop shop for appliance service, complaints, repair, and extended warranty requests.

5.Refrigerator Care: Set your refrigerator to the right temperature, usually around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, to prevent food spoilage and energy wastage. Consider clearing out perishable items if you’ll be away for a while.

6.Stove and Oven Safety: If you have a gas stove, it is essential to regularly check for gas leaks to ensure the safety of your household. Start by ensuring that all the knobs on the stove are turned off. You might also want to consider shutting off the gas supply to the stove, if possible. This will help prevent gas leaks that could harm you and your loved ones. If you suspect a gas leak, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Instead, evacuate the area immediately and contact a professional gas technician to inspect and repair the issue. Raise a service request on OneDios.

7.Water Heater Maintenance: One way to save energy is by lowering the temperature of your water heater. This can be particularly useful if you plan to be away from home for a significant time, such as a vacation or a business trip. Lowering the temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can reduce the energy your water heater uses to maintain a constant temperature. 

8.Secure Appliances: For larger appliances, like refrigerators, ensure they are stable and secure. Use appliance anchors to prevent tipping, a safety measure often overlooked. Contact the OneDios customer service team for assistance to get whole-house surge protection.

9.Microwave Safety: Remove all metal items and ensure it’s unplugged. Check the door seals for any signs of damage. For help or guidance, you can rely on OneDios.

10.Check the Oven: Before leaving for your vacation, you must ensure that your oven is turned off and completely clear of any materials that could pose a fire hazard. This includes removing any flammable objects, such as kitchen towels, paper, or plastic bags, that may have accidentally been left on the stove or near the oven. It’s also good to check that the oven’s burners are switched off and that the thermostat is set to zero. 

Electric home appliances have made our lives more convenient, but safety should always be a top priority. By following these standard safety precautions, you can enjoy your vacation and appliances without compromising your family’s safety or the longevity of your devices. OneDios has become the number one trusted brand for home appliances, providing excellent quality and satisfaction to its customers. Customers can book a service in 60 seconds with OneDios of any major brand, which solves customers’ problems immediately without contacting the customer care service of multiple brands. You can buy brand-authorized Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs), Service plans, and Extended Warranties on OneDios to provide your appliances and products with 360-degree protection. OneDios has multiple options and plans on the platform for OEMs and other service providers for easy comparison. You can buy your next extended warranty on OneDios here.

OneDios Tech

The Power of Extended Warranties: Why They’re Good for You and Your Appliances

When purchasing new appliances, we often consider their features, performance, and price. Since buying appliances is expensive, we prefer to gain the most value possible from our deals. We want to avoid paying for costly repairs or replacements if an unexpected breakdown or malfunction occurs. Most new appliances are guaranteed, but if you want to maintain the appliance for longer, consider extending the warranty. An extended warranty for appliances might be helpful in this case. While standard warranties offer a limited coverage period, extended warranties provide additional protection and peace of mind. You can buy an extended warranty instantly in a seamless and paperless online transaction before your standard warranty expiration with OneDios.  

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of extended warranties and how they can benefit you and your appliances. 

  1. Extended Coverage and Peace of Mind 

One of the primary advantages of extended warranties is their extended coverage beyond the manufacturer’s warranty period. Standard warranties usually last for a limited time, leaving you vulnerable to unexpected breakdowns and repair costs after the warranty expires. Extended warranties provide additional protection, covering repairs or replacements for extended periods. This extended coverage ensures that you can continue to use your appliances without worrying about unexpected expenses in case of malfunctions or breakdowns.

OneDios, in collaboration with brands like Voltas, Blue Star, and Daikin, offers extended warranty services. By availing OneDios’ comprehensive plans, you can extend the warranty coverage for your appliances, providing you with peace of mind and protection against unforeseen repair costs.

  1. Cost Savings and Value 

Appliance repairs can often be expensive, especially when they involve significant parts or complex issues. Extended warranties help you reduce these costs by covering the expenses of repairs or replacements. Investing in an extended warranty ensures that the associated charges will be handled if your appliance malfunctions or encounters any issues within the warranty period. This saves you from potentially hefty repair bills and allows you to maximise the value of your investment.

OneDios, as a trusted service provider, offers extended warranties with coverage for various brands. By opting for their extended warranty services, you can safeguard your appliances against unexpected breakdowns, repairs, and associated costs, thus ensuring cost savings and value for your investment. By providing timely and unlimited maintenance, the warranty protects the appliances and gives them a long service life, making them live the expected duration and beyond.

  1. Convenience and Timely Service 

Dealing with appliance breakdowns or malfunctions can be inconvenient and disruptive to your daily routine. Extended warranties often come with additional services, such as prompt service requests and quick resolution of issues. This ensures you receive timely assistance and minimise any inconveniences caused by appliance failures.

OneDios understands the importance of convenience and timely service. Our platform offers a hassle-free service experience, allowing you to schedule service requests and track the progress online. Our network of authorised service providers ensures that your appliances receive prompt attention and expert care whenever issues arise. By availing OneDios’ extended warranty services, you can experience the convenience of efficient service and timely resolution of problems.

  1. Quality Repairs and Genuine Parts 

When repairing appliances, the quality of repairs and the use of genuine parts are vital considerations. Extended warranties often ensure that authorised service centres perform repairs using genuine parts, preserving the integrity and performance of your appliances. This helps maintain the reliability and efficiency of your appliances, ensuring their longevity and optimal functionality.

OneDios, in partnership with renowned brands like Voltas, Blue Star, and Daikin, guarantee quality repairs and the use of genuine parts. Their network of authorised service centres and technicians is trained to handle repairs for specific brands, ensuring that your appliances receive the best possible care. By availing OneDios’ extended warranty services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your appliances are in the hands of qualified professionals using authentic parts.

Extended warranties offer numerous benefits, including extended coverage, cost savings, convenience, and the assurance of quality repairs. Major home appliances with extended warranties can help cover unforeseen repairs, breakdowns, and malfunctions. Buying an extended warranty is wise if you have expensive, long-lasting older appliances or know you can’t afford extensive repairs or replacement charges. With OneDios’ comprehensive services, you can take full advantage of extended warranties and protect your appliances from unexpected breakdowns and repair costs. Brands like Voltas, Blue Star, and Daikin, in collaboration with OneDios, allow customers to extend warranty coverage for their appliances, ensuring peace of mind and optimal performance.

With OneDios, you can rest assured that your appliances are in good hands, receiving the best care and support to keep them running smoothly for years. There is a one-stop solution for all your queries, damage protection plans, purchasing an extended warranty, AC extended warranty, Refrigerator extended warranty, and many more extended warranty services, and that is OneDios. We help people buy extended warranties online. It gives multiple plans and options to all and with competitive prices. Since this happens online, it is more convenient and hassle-free. Paperless online transactions make this process seamless. The process is also quicker than the offline process.

We aim to transform the customer service experience for end customers. This vision cuts across all products and the services they avail of. You can buy your AMC on OneDios here. You can also download the OneDios app or visit to purchase an annual appliance maintenance contract.