OneDios Tech

Protect Your Electronics : A Guide to Dealing with Monsoon Humidity


The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching heat and introduces high humidity levels, which can negatively affect your electronic devices. Excessive moisture in the air poses a significant risk to the performance and longevity of electronics, leading to malfunctions, corrosion, and potential damage. We know that electricity and water do not mix well and can cause significant harm, even in some cases, the loss of life. Thus, electrical appliances need special care and attention during extremely and frequently rainy days. Our technicians at OneDios are trained and highly skilled to provide preventive measures and deal with problems your appliances face during monsoons.

This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on protecting your electronics during the monsoon season.

Impact of Monsoon Humidity on Electronics

  1. Corrosion: High humidity levels increase the chances of corrosion on electronic components, especially metal ones. The moisture in the air reacts with the metal surfaces, leading to oxidation and potential damage to circuitry and connectors. This disrupts the electrical contact, thereby impacting the appliance’s performance.
  2. Malfunctions and Short Circuits: Moisture can penetrate the internal components of electronic devices, causing malfunctions and short circuits. The water can disrupt the flow of electricity, resulting in erratic behaviour or permanent damage to the device. OneDios helps protect your electronic goods from moisture and other possible damage. 
  3. Mould and Fungal Growth: Excessive moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for mould and fungi. These microorganisms can grow on electronic surfaces, affecting performance, clogging ventilation, and potentially releasing harmful spores into the environment. It would be best to relocate your appliances to dry places to avoid mould formation.
  4. Patches on LED/LCDs: Condensation and an abundance of moisture in the air are to blame for this. It leads to poor image quality and even dead screens.
  5. Electrical Leakage: Corroded wires or poor earthing/grounding of electrical points may make electronic appliances prone to leaks. The user and the equipment may both succumb as a result of this. It would be best to exercise caution as condensation-related water might be a good conductor for electric shocks or short circuits.

Tips to Protect Your Electronics During Monsoon Humidity

  1. Control Indoor Humidity: Maintain optimal indoor humidity levels between 40-60% to minimise the impact of moisture on your electronics. Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to reduce humidity levels and give appliances dust free atmosphere they require during this season.
  2. Use Silica Gel Packs and Dehumidifiers: Silica gel packs and dehumidifiers are excellent moisture absorbers. Place them near your electronic devices, inside cabinets or storage areas, to help reduce moisture and protect against corrosion. Remember to replace or recharge the silica gel packs periodically.
  3. Keep Devices in Dry Areas: Store your electronics in dry areas of your home or office. Avoid placing them near windows, leak-prone rooms, or basements where humidity levels may increase. If possible, use airtight containers or zip-lock bags to protect devices from moisture further.
  4. Maintain Proper Ventilation: Ensure your electronic devices have proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. Avoid covering devices with cloth or plastic, as this can trap humidity and contribute to condensation. Allow for sufficient airflow around the appliances to dissipate moisture.
  5. Clean and Inspect Regularly: Clean your electronic devices to remove dust, dirt, and moisture residue. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe surfaces and connectors. Additionally, inspect your devices for any signs of moisture or corrosion and immediately act if detected.
  6. Power Off and Unplug: Unplug your electronic devices when not used. This helps reduce the risk of electrical damage in case of power fluctuations or sudden surges caused by monsoon-related weather events.
  7. Invest in Surge Protectors: Install surge protectors or voltage stabilisers to safeguard your devices against power surges or voltage fluctuations often occurring during monsoon season. These devices provide an extra layer of protection and help mitigate the risks associated with an unstable power supply.
  8. Insurance is better than replacements:  Replacing existing appliances and their parts is tough. Not only does it make a hole in your pocket, but searching for original spare parts is not easy. Get your sensitive and expensive appliances insured before the rains and serviced after. Eventually, you can also opt for an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) or extended warranty from OneDios. Opting for an extended warranty protects your devices from moisture-related damages and ensures comprehensive customer service support when needed.

OneDios offers valuable customer service support to ensure the protection and longevity of your electronic devices during the monsoon season. Our knowledgeable customer service team can address your concerns, provide helpful tips, and assist you in safeguarding your devices against moisture-related issues.

If your electronic devices encounter any problems due to monsoon humidity, OneDios offers reliable maintenance and repair services. Our authorised service centres and skilled technicians can address issues caused by moisture damage, perform necessary repairs, and restore the functionality of your devices. OneDios provides extended warranty plans that offer additional coverage beyond the manufacturer’s warranty period. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Bosch, LG, Voltas, Daikin, Samsung, etc.

OneDios keeps you informed about the status of your service requests, providing real-time updates. Our transparent approach ensures you know your appliance’s repair or maintenance progress, enhancing customer satisfaction and peace of mind.


Protecting your electronic devices during the monsoon season is crucial to maintain their performance and extend their lifespan. Following the tips above, you can mitigate the risks associated with monsoon humidity and keep your electronics safe. OneDios, with its expert guidance and customer service, maintenance and repair services, and extended warranty plans, offers valuable assistance in safeguarding your devices. Embrace the protection and reliability of OneDios, and enjoy a worry-free monsoon season with your electronic gadgets. 

Designed to create the ultimate user convenience, OneDios is pioneering the edge of customer service in every possible way. OneDios is the one-stop shop for all home appliance service and repair needs. OneDios has a dedicated service centre, one of the most vital points that make it stand out in the industry. At OneDios, you can also schedule the next appliance service in advance. OneDios now covers over 1350+ cities in India.

OneDios Tech

The Real Cost of 3rd Party Extended Warranties


In our fast-paced, tech-savvy world, electronic gadgets and appliances have become not just tools but indispensable companions in our daily lives. These valuable investments enhance productivity, connect us with the world, and simplify our routines. However, like all investments, they come with their share of risks. Unexpected breakdowns and repairs can be a financial burden, making extended warranties attractive. But before you opt for a third-party extended warranty, it’s crucial to understand the actual cost lurking beneath the surface.

In this blog, we shed light on the hidden costs associated with third-party extended warranties, emphasising the value of choosing brand-authorised warranties from trusted partners like OneDios. Let’s uncover the truth behind the apparent savings and why brand-authorised warranties are smarter choices.

The Hidden Costs of Third-Party Extended Warranties


1. Limited Coverage


Third-party extended warranties often come with limitations and exclusions that might not be apparent upfront. Critical components or specific types of damage may not be covered, leaving you with unexpected out-of-pocket expenses when you need repairs. In contrast, brand-authorised warranties are tailored to cover many potential issues, providing comprehensive protection for your investment.


2. Low-Quality Repairs


Third-party warranty providers may cut costs using generic or subpar replacement parts for repairs. This compromise on quality can lead to more frequent breakdowns and, ultimately, higher repair costs. Brand-authorised technicians use genuine manufacturer-approved parts, ensuring your device maintains its original performance and functionality.


3. Complex Claims Process


Dealing with third-party warranty providers can be a frustrating experience when you need to file a claim. Lengthy claim procedures, bureaucratic red tape, and unresponsive customer support can cause unnecessary delays and stress. On the other hand, brand-authorised warranties offer a streamlined and hassle-free claims process through trusted partners like OneDios, ensuring your issues are resolved promptly.


4. Unpredictable Service Quality


With third-party extended warranties, you might receive repairs from a network of disparate service centres, leading to inconsistent service quality. Brand-authorised technicians are experts in their field and possess in-depth knowledge of the specific product they service, ensuring that repairs are done accurately and efficiently.

The Value of Brand-Authorized Warranties through OneDios

OneDios stands as a beacon of trust and reliability in the world of warranty management. Here’s why choosing brand-authorised warranties through OneDios is a sound investment:


1. Genuine Manufacturer-Backed Coverage


OneDios has established authorised partnerships with leading brands like Voltas, Blue Star, Godrej, Daikin, etc., guaranteeing you receive genuine, manufacturer-backed extended warranties. Your devices will be repaired or replaced with the same level of quality and reliability that the brand delivers.


2. Simplified Warranty Management


OneDios, a user-friendly platform, allows you to effortlessly register, track, and access warranty details for all your devices. Say goodbye to the confusion of managing multiple warranties and enjoy easy access to essential warranty information.


3. Effortless Claims Processing


We understand the importance of minimising downtime when your device requires service. OneDios streamlines the claims process to ensure that your issues are addressed promptly, allowing you to get back to using your device without undue delays.

In safeguarding your valuable investments, looking beyond the surface and considering the real costs associated with third-party extended warranties is essential. The allure of immediate savings may blindside you to the hidden expenses and compromises that can impact your overall ownership experience.

Choosing brand-authorised warranties through OneDios is a testament to your commitment to quality, reliability, and peace of mind. It’s an investment not just in your devices but in your overall ownership experience, ensuring that your valuable assets continue to serve you excellently.

So, as you navigate the intricate world of extended warranties, remember that the actual value lies in making an informed choice—one that prioritises the quality, reliability, and efficiency of brand-authorised warranties. Choose OneDios and safeguard your investments while enjoying the peace of mind of making a wise and informed decision. Your devices will thank you, and your wallet will thank you, but most importantly, your peace of mind will thank you.

OneDios Tech

Smart Tips for Slashing Your Home Electricity Bill


Electricity bills can often be a significant part of monthly expenses. Using more energy than necessary to power household appliances, light bulbs, heaters, and other electronics generates higher utility bills and contributes to environmental pollution and harm. However, by making smart changes to your energy consumption habits and implementing energy-efficient measures, you can significantly reduce your home electricity bill without sacrificing comfort or convenience. OneDios aims to offer a top-class professional facility for repair, fitting, and appliance service. 

Follow these simple yet effective tips for cutting your electricity bill while being environmentally conscious.

1. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Older appliances tend to be less energy-efficient. An inefficient refrigerator can increase the annual electricity bill of a household by as much as Rs 4,000-5,000 in some cases. Consider replacing them with Energy Star-rated appliances designed to consume less electricity, especially large appliances. While there’s an initial cost, the long-term savings on your electricity bill can be substantial. Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10-50% less energy than standard appliances and help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. 

2. Unplug Devices and Chargers

Many devices and chargers continue to draw power even when not used. Notably, electronic devices such as televisions, refrigerators, DVD players, chargers and computers continue to consume electricity even when switched off. Certain appliances never truly power down and operate in a standby mode that still utilises electricity. To save money, it’s a good idea to make unplugging these devices a regular practice when they’re not in use.

3. Optimize Your Lighting

Switch to LED or CFL bulbs, which use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer. LEDs have over 10-25 years of life and consume 50% less electricity than CFLs. LEDs cost more than CFLs but are known to be energy efficient because 95% of the energy in LEDs is converted into light, and only 5% is wasted as heat. Also, habitually turn off lights when you leave a room and utilise natural daylight whenever possible. Install dimmer switches and motion sensors that turn off when you leave the room.

4. Adjust Your Thermostat

Heating and cooling account for a large portion of your electricity bill. In the winter, lower your thermostat a few degrees and wear warm clothing to stay comfortable. In the summer, raise the thermostat and use fans to circulate air. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat to optimise temperature settings automatically. The recommended water temperature is 50 degrees to save energy and prevent burns. The ideal room temperature is around 24 degrees.

5. Seal Leaks and Insulate

Proper insulation and sealing gaps and leaks in your home can prevent drafts, reducing the need for heating and cooling. Check for gaps around doors, windows, and pipes, and seal them.

6. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances Wisely

Even energy-efficient appliances can consume a lot of electricity if not used efficiently. Run your dishwasher and washing machine with full loads, and consider using cold water for laundry. Use the dryer sparingly, opting to air dry clothes when possible. When the fridge and freezer are fully stocked, they work more efficiently by preventing air from circulating too much and consuming less energy. To maximise their efficiency, avoid opening the fridge/freezer multiple times daily. If you’re concerned about the energy consumption in your home, don’t hesitate to contact OneDios today, and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.

7. Cook Efficiently

Cooking can be a significant contributor to your electricity bill. Use microwave ovens, slow cookers, or toaster ovens for small meals, as they are generally more energy-efficient than traditional ovens. When using the stove or oven, cook multiple items simultaneously to save energy.

8. Install Solar Panels

If feasible, consider installing solar panels on your roof. Solar energy can significantly reduce your reliance on grid electricity and, in some cases, even allow you to sell excess energy back to the grid.

9. Conduct an Energy Audit

Consider hiring a professional or conducting a DIY energy audit to identify areas where your home wastes energy. An energy audit can pinpoint specific areas for improvement and help you prioritise energy-saving upgrades. If you’re concerned about the energy consumption in your home, don’t hesitate to contact OneDios today, and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.


10. Keep Appliances Well Maintained


Regular maintenance and servicing of household appliances, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers, are crucial for improving efficiency and preventing costly repairs. By addressing issues and repairing appliances on time, we can reduce energy consumption and prevent inefficient appliances from working harder than necessary to achieve the desired output. OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all appliance service or AMC-related issues and queries without calling various people or seeking phone numbers.


You can effectively reduce your home electricity bill by implementing these tips and being mindful of your energy consumption habits. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. If you feel your appliance service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate a service request in a few clicks. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Bosch, LG, Voltas, Daikin, Hitachi etc.

OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all your services, complaints against the repair, and extended warranty requests. Download the OneDios app and upload the details of your appliances today. It even logs when you last got your oven serviced and parts replaced. OneDios will also help keep track of your previous services, and you can fix your appliance’s next service in advance. OneDios now also covers over 1350 postcodes in India. Cutting down on your energy consumption benefits your wallet, helps conserve valuable natural resources, and reduces your carbon footprint.

OneDios Tech

Best Home Appliance Brands of 2024


The recent years have witnessed a constant evolution in home appliances, providing customers with diverse options in dependability, innovation, and quality. The Indian market has seen a gradual increase in the number of household appliances, with the progress being spearheaded by both large and medium-sized appliances. It’s never a good time when an appliance malfunctions. OneDios technicians are trained to perform daily repairs or upgrades on leading appliance brands. The maintenance and care of appliances are very straightforward; however, if you feel that your appliance service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate a service request in a few clicks. 

Selecting the right appliance brand can significantly impact your daily life and the overall functionality of your household. The cost of home appliances can be pretty high, which is why we usually think about long-term use when purchasing. That’s why buying from reliable brands that meet our needs and provide a pleasant daily routine experience is essential. 

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the top appliance brands of 2024, renowned for their cutting-edge technology, durability, and customer satisfaction.

1. Samsung

Samsung, a South Korean multinational conglomerate, dominates India’s household appliance market with innovative designs and state-of-the-art features. Whether you’re looking for a sleek and feature-rich refrigerator, a smart washing machine, or a high-performance range, Samsung consistently delivers top-quality products and is a popular choice among contemporary households due to its smart home integration and dedication towards sustainability. 

Samsung’s appliances are created with eco-friendliness and energy efficiency in mind, incorporating advanced technologies like inverter technology, eco-bubble technology, and digital inverter compressors. In India, Samsung boasts a robust network of over 3,000 service centres. Their after-sales service is reliable, offering round-the-clock customer support. Additionally, Samsung has a team of proficient technicians to handle repair and maintenance needs. OneDios provides extended warranty plans for Samsung appliances, covering unexpected breakdowns and repairs.

2. Bosch

One of the top brands for quality and customer satisfaction is Bosch, which offers affordable home appliance options. Precision engineering and German craftsmanship are two of the hallmarks of Bosch home appliances, which are highly regarded. Bosch products such as ovens, cooktops, and dishwashers are known for their energy efficiency, quiet operation, sleek design, and innovative technology. By prioritising sustainability and innovation, Bosch sets itself apart as an exceptional choice. 

Bosch boasts a robust network of over 1,000 service centres nationwide, providing excellent after-sales service. The company’s customer support is available round the clock, and it has a proficient team of technicians trained to handle maintenance and repair problems. OneDios offers exceptional customer service, assisting with queries or concerns about your Bosch appliances. Our knowledgeable professionals can guide you on installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

3. LG

LG Electronics India has been functioning in India for more than 20 years. Their product line includes household appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, and televisions. The company is renowned for its exceptional products, advanced technology, and post-sales service, which have earned it a reputation as one of India’s leading household appliance manufacturers. With OneDios extended warranty plans, you can protect your LG appliances against unexpected malfunctions or defects.

LG’s washer-dryer combos, refrigerators, and air conditioners are high-performing and equipped with smart technology, making daily chores more convenient and energy-efficient. Customers can use LG’s ThinQ AI technology to operate their appliances by voice commands or through the LG ThinQ app. Moreover, LG puts a considerable emphasis on energy efficiency, and its range of products is intentionally engineered to be environmentally friendly, consuming less power and minimising carbon emissions.

4. Whirlpool

With a rich history of manufacturing reliable appliances, Whirlpool remains a trusted brand in 2024. Their product line includes various appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and microwaves, which are popular for their durability and efficiency. Their emphasis on cutting-edge technology and design has earned them a reputation for producing top-notch products that blend style and functionality. Their commitment to eco-friendly technology and user-friendly features continues to attract consumers.

Whirlpool’s 6th Sense Technology uses sensors to monitor and control the performance of its appliances, resulting in better energy efficiency and lower running costs. Whirlpool has been around since 1911, and they are one of the largest appliance manufacturers in the world. OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all Whirlpool appliance service or AMC-related issues and queries without calling various people or seeking phone numbers.

5. Voltas Beko

A partnership between Tata Group’s Voltas Limited and the Turkish home appliance brand Beko gave birth to Voltas Beko. The leading air conditioning brand in the industry, Voltas, offers various appliances, including washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, and microwaves. Voltas Beko appliances feature energy-saving inverter compressors and eco-friendly refrigerants.

Innovative technology and design are what Voltas Beko is renowned for, with a focus on providing products of excellent quality at an affordable price point. Voltas aims to enhance its customers’ quality of life by simplifying it. Voltas Beko boasts a robust after-sales service network with over 450 centres in India. For repairs, maintenance requests and warranty extensions of any Voltas appliance, you can log on to OneDios here.

6. Godrej

Godrej, a prominent brand in the market, offers well-designed appliances to enhance the comfort of Indian consumers. Godrej, established in 1958, was the pioneer in producing refrigerators in India. The appliances from Godrej are built to last and are fashionable, with features like washers with steel drums and shelves with toughened glass. Godrej prides itself on its Green Balance technology that delivers energy-efficient performance while incorporating eco-friendly features like R600a refrigerant and inverter technology. OneDios dedicated customer service team can assist you with any concerns or technical issues regarding your Godrej appliances.

7. Haier

Haier is a Chinese multinational consumer electronics and home appliances company. Haier offers a range of appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and televisions. Haier has established a reputation for producing ground-breaking products that have transformed the home appliance industry. With a keen focus on meeting the needs of consumers, Haier develops and designs innovative home appliances that are both functional and practical.

The company has introduced some groundbreaking products such as Bottom Mounted (BMR) and French door refrigerators that come with smart convertible sections, Washing Machines that boast innovative features like Self Clean Technology (SCT) and Near Zero Pressure (NZP), and Water Heaters that are equipped with shockproof technology. You can request repair and maintenance with OneDios to promptly and efficiently resolve your Haier appliance issues.

8. Bajaj

Bajaj Electricals Limited, a prominent Indian manufacturer of home appliances, produces fans, lighting solutions, and kitchen appliances. The company has been operating in the market for over 80 years and is recognised for its superior products, cutting-edge technology, and effective post-sales support. OneDios support ensures that your Bajaj appliances remain in optimal condition.

Bajaj has always strived to be the leading brand in the industry and the preferred choice of consumers. The company’s extensive range of fans and lighting solutions come with many innovative features, such as energy-saving modes, remote controls, and aerodynamic designs that ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. Whether cooling down a room or illuminating a space, Bajaj’s fans and lighting solutions offer the perfect blend of style, convenience, and functionality.

9. Blue Star

Blue Star Ltd, headquartered in Mumbai, is a multinational company that deals in home appliances and specialises in air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, and MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing and firefighting) services. It is the second-largest homegrown player in the air conditioning space in India. Blue Star is a trustworthy company recognised globally as an industry leader. It is known for its innovation, quality, and durability in several countries worldwide. Blue Star manufactures air conditioners equipped with precision cooling, inverter technology, and self-cleaning filters, enabling them to be energy-efficient and low-maintenance. The company’s water coolers feature stainless steel tanks resistant to corrosion, eco-friendly refrigerants, and an automatic cut-off system that ensures dependable and efficient operation.

Blue Star provides an extensive collection of advanced technology and eco-friendly products while being intuitively designed. These products come packed with modern features that guarantee maximum comfort and convenience. Additionally, Blue Star takes pride in delivering a top-notch customer experience and exceptional after-sales service. For repairs, maintenance requests and warranty extensions of any Blue Star appliance, you can log on to OneDios here.

10. IFB

Putting the well-being of its customers as a top priority, IFB Home Appliances offers features that ensure health and hygiene. Providing exceptional quality and dependable products such as washing machines, microwaves, air conditioners and more, IFB is a well-known brand with over 6 million customers in India. Being innovative and delivering exceptional and consistent performance has been IFB’s primary goal, ensuring that they remain the top choice for their customers. With OneDios extended warranty plans, you can protect your IFB appliances against unexpected malfunctions or defects.


When investing in home appliances, choosing a brand that aligns with your needs, preferences, and values is essential. The top appliance brands 2024 mentioned in this blog offer various options for various household needs, from cooking to cleaning and beyond. When deciding, consider factors like energy efficiency, smart technology integration, and durability to ensure that your investment has served your household well for years. OneDios, with its extended warranty plans and customer service, provides the necessary support to ensure that your appliances perform flawlessly.

OneDios has become the number one trusted brand for home appliances, providing excellent quality and satisfaction to its customers. Whether you own a water purifier, refrigerator, or more, you can buy extended warranties on numerous electronic appliances exclusively at OneDios. If you want to book the service of any brand appliance, then download the OneDios app, choose the type of service, and you will receive a call from the customer service executive. It’s hard to believe but true that OneDios initiates a connection with the customer service of electronic brands such as Haier, IFB, LG, Godrej, Samsung, Whirlpool, Bajaj, Voltas and so on within a minute.

OneDios Tech

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Extended Warranties


Extended warranties have become increasingly popular in today’s consumer market, where people are constantly drawn to shiny new gadgets and appliances. They are now seen as valuable add-ons for a variety of products. This blog aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide that illuminates all the details of extended warranties so that you can make well-informed and astute decisions.

Are you ready to explore extended warranties with me? We’ll dive into everything you need to know, whether you’re into tech or home appliances or want to get the most out of your purchases. Let’s uncover how to make the most of extended warranties together!

What Are Extended Warranties?

An extended warranty, often referred to as a service contract or protection plan, is an optional purchase that prolongs the warranty period of a product beyond the manufacturer’s original offer. This plan is designed to provide consumers with added assurance by covering the costs of repairs and replacing the product if it fails after the standard warranty period has ended. By opting for an extended warranty, customers can protect their investments in electronics, appliances, and other significant purchases, potentially saving money on unexpected repair fees or future replacements.

Benefits of Extended Warranties

1. Peace of Mind

An extended warranty provides an additional benefit to the original warranty that comes with a product. This type of warranty offers an extended period of coverage, giving peace of mind to the buyer. With an extended warranty, you can avoid unexpected repair costs, especially for high-value items with expensive repair costs.

2. Cost Savings on Repairs

It is worth considering purchasing an extended warranty for certain products, as they can save you significant money on repair costs. Some products may require expensive repairs or replacements, which could far exceed the initial cost of the warranty. Therefore, an extended warranty could provide you with peace of mind and financial protection in case of unexpected repairs.

3. Additional Coverage

Extended warranties offer more comprehensive coverage than a manufacturer’s warranty. They can protect against unexpected damages, such as accidental damage or power surge protection, which the manufacturer’s warranty may not cover. So, it’s always a good idea to consider the benefits of an extended warranty before making a purchase.

Limitations of Extended Warranties

1. Cost vs. Benefit

It’s worth noting that purchasing an extended warranty might not always be the most financially responsible decision. Some products have a low probability of failing or can be repaired for less than the warranty cost. Before deciding, weighing the likelihood of needing repairs against the warranty price is essential.

2. Overlapping Coverage

Did you know that your credit card benefits or home insurance policy might already cover the product you’re thinking about insuring? This could lead to overlapping coverage and unnecessary expenses. Double-checking your existing coverage before purchasing additional insurance is always a good idea.

3. Restrictions and Exclusions

When purchasing an extended warranty for your product, it’s vital to remember that the coverage may be subject to certain restrictions, exclusions, and conditions. It’s crucial to carefully read and understand the fine print to ensure that you know exactly what is covered and what is not and avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road.

What to Look for When Purchasing Extended Warranties

1. Understand the Coverage

When considering a warranty for any product, it’s essential to clearly understand what is included and what is excluded from the coverage. A comprehensive warranty should ideally cover parts and labour, ensuring that you won’t be facing unexpected expenses if something goes wrong. Knowing whom to contact, what documentation is needed, and the timeframe for the claim process can significantly streamline any necessary repairs or replacements, ensuring a smoother resolution to any issues that may arise.

2. Compare Costs

Evaluate the warranty cost against the product’s potential repair or replacement costs. It’s essential to compare different warranty plans and understand what each covers, including any exclusions or special inclusions. OneDios offers extended warranties that safeguard your appliances and give you peace of mind.

3. Check the Provider’s Reputation

When purchasing a warranty, it is important to choose a provider with a good reputation. You can look for reviews and ratings to understand how satisfied other customers have been with their service. Doing so lets you make a more informed decision and choose a warranty that will provide you with the coverage and support you need.

4. Consider the Duration

When considering an extended warranty, ensure the warranty period is reasonable for the product’s lifespan. If a product becomes obsolete quickly, a more extended warranty may not be necessary. Remember that the warranty length should match the product’s reasonable lifespan.

Why Choose OneDios for Your Extended Warranties

In the crowded space of extended warranties, OneDiosis is the sole provider of brand-authorised extended warranties. This distinction ensures that customers receive service that adheres to brand standards, offering unparalleled assurance and quality.

Choosing a brand-authorised extended warranty guarantees that your products are serviced by certified professionals using genuine parts. With OneDios, customers benefit from the expertise and backing of the brand and enjoy a seamless and hassle-free service experience. OneDios, in partnership with renowned brands like Voltas, Blue Star, Godrej and Daikin, provides brand-authorised extended warranties.

In conclusion, while extended warranties offer a valuable safety net for your purchases, assessing their value carefully is crucial. Before deciding, pay attention to the coverage, cost, and the provider’s reputation. For those looking to secure their investments with the confidence that only brand-authorised service can provide, OneDios is your go-to option. Trust in OneDios to extend the life of your products with warranties that promise peace of mind and brand-backed quality.

OneDios Tech

Revolutionising Customer Service: How OneDios is Changing the Game


Imagine a world where you no longer have to look for customer service numbers, sift through numerous emails from different brands, or switch between chatbots. Welcome to the future, where OneDios has wholly transformed the customer service industry. It’s an upgrade and a revolution in interacting with our favourite brands when we require assistance. With OneDios, customer service has been made more efficient, personalised and seamless.

OneDios stands out by bringing together customer service requests for many brands under one roof. Thanks to its patented technology, users can now enjoy a frictionless and highly efficient process when booking services. It’s like having a magic wand that sorts all your service needs with a simple click. Whether repairing an appliance, scheduling a maintenance check, or anything in between, OneDios makes it happen in a few clicks. 

The Game-Changing Approach of OneDios

Have you ever had to deal with getting your air conditioner serviced, your washing machine fixed, or your television screen replaced? With OneDios, you can say goodbye to the stress of managing after-sales services. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your after-sales service needs, whether for your car or household appliances. You don’t have to deal with fragmented and cumbersome processes anymore. OneDios streamlines everything and makes it effortless for you. It’s the perfect solution for anyone who wants to save time and effort while getting the best appliance care.

Patented Technology at Work

OneDios has developed a groundbreaking patented technology known as ORBS, the foundation of its cutting-edge service. ORBS is an innovative platform connecting dealers, distributors, brands, and consumers into a unified ecosystem. It significantly streamlines service bookings, speeds up complaint resolutions, and enhances digital interactions across over 100 brands. This technology greatly improves the service experience, offering consumers unmatched convenience and efficiency.

The Ease of Booking Services with OneDios App

With the OneDios app, consumers can easily register their appliances, track their warranty status, schedule service requests, and even access repair history with brands like Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Voltas, Daikin, Hitachi, and many more, all from a single mobile application. The application offers an interface that is easy to use on iOS and Android devices, making the process more straightforward. It sends notifications promptly for maintenance and warranty renewals, ensuring you never miss a deadline. This app-based approach meets the preferences of the modern consumer who looks for digital solutions, making after-sales service as hassle-free as possible.

Impact on Customer Service Landscape

OneDios has genuinely transformed the way brands connect with their customers. Creating a seamless platform for service requests is not just making life easier for consumers, but it’s also helping brands step up their game in customer service. This improvement is key in today’s competitive market, where how well a brand supports its customers after a sale can influence buying decisions. Thanks to OneDios, brands are seeing a boost in customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is a win-win for everyone involved.

OneDios’s vision goes beyond simplifying customer service requests. The platform aims to be the ultimate solution for all consumer requests, covering a wide range of services and products. This ambitious goal, supported by its innovative technology and customer-centric approach, positions OneDios as a major disruptor in the customer service industry.

In conclusion, OneDios is not just changing the game; it’s redefining the rules regarding customer service. Its innovative approach to aggregating service requests across brands, powered by patented technology, offers consumers an unmatched level of convenience and efficiency. As OneDios continues to evolve and expand its offerings, it remains at the forefront of revolutionising customer service, making it an exciting company to watch in the coming years.

OneDios Tech

The Perks of Choosing Brand-Authorised Service and Repair for Your Appliances


Living in a world with abundant options can overwhelm us when it comes to maintaining our household appliances. These reliable helpers add convenience but are susceptible to damage over time. When your prized appliances need service or repair, it’s tempting to explore all available avenues. However, there are compelling reasons why entrusting the care of your appliances to the brand is often the wisest decision. With OneDios, customers can quickly raise a complaint or book a service in under 60 seconds. There is no need to contact different brands individually, as OneDios has partnered with leading brands, including LG, Samsung, Whirlpool, and Voltas, to provide customers with the best service possible.

In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages of choosing brand-authorised service and repair, ensuring that your appliances receive the top-notch attention they deserve.

1. Expertise Beyond Compare

When you opt for brand-authorised service and repair, you’re tapping into a vast reservoir of expertise that no one knows their products better than those who designed and manufactured them. Brand technicians are intimately acquainted with the intricate workings of your appliances, which is invaluable when it comes to diagnosing and rectifying issues. Their specialised knowledge ensures that repairs are executed accurately and efficiently. To ensure the longevity and safety of your appliance, it is essential to get it serviced by an authorised OneDios professional.

2. Genuine Parts and Uncompromised Quality

One of the standout benefits of choosing brand authorised service is the guarantee of genuine parts and impeccable quality. Brands are committed to upholding the integrity of their products, and brand-authorised service centres have direct access to original spare parts provided by the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). These genuine parts are designed for your appliance model and ensure optimal performance and durability. This not only prolongs the lifespan of your investment but also maintains its efficiency and resale value. While looking for quick and efficient ways to contact customer service, you can book the service on OneDios here.

3. Streamlined and Efficient Service

Opting for brand-authorised service eliminates the middleman, streamlining the repair process. You won’t need to navigate bureaucracy or contend with third-party service providers who may not prioritise your interests. With brand-authorised service, you’re more likely to experience a smooth, hassle-free process that minimises downtime and inconvenience and prioritises efficient service. OneDios ensures convenient access to authorised service centres, no matter your location.

4. Personalised Attention

Every appliance is unique, and brand-authorised service centres recognise this fact. When you choose the brand for servicing, you can expect a tailored approach that addresses the specific needs of your appliance. This means the service is designed to combat your product’s most common issues or vulnerabilities, ensuring it continues serving you faithfully. Brand-authorised service centres prioritise customer satisfaction and aim to minimise inconvenience by offering timely repairs. With OneDios, you can easily locate authorised service centres near you, ensuring that your appliances receive the best possible care.

5. Brand Reputation

Reputation speaks volumes. Brands are vested in maintaining their image and standing by their products. By selecting brand-authorised service and repair, you align yourself with a company that values its customers and takes pride in delivering superior products and services. This commitment to excellence translates into peace of mind throughout the servicing process. Whether registering a new warranty, tracking expiration dates, or initiating a repair request, OneDios streamlines the warranty management process for a seamless experience.

6. Long-term Reliability

Choosing brand-authorised service and repair is not just about addressing immediate issues; it’s an investment in the long-term reliability of your appliances. The brand’s technicians have the latest knowledge and tools to keep your appliances in tip-top condition, extending their operational life and minimising future repair costs. OneDios has a team of trained professionals who are always ready to help you with any issues.

Moreover, when you get your appliance repaired at an authorised service centre, you can rest assured that your repair will also be covered under warranty. If any issues arise after the repair, you can rely on the warranty to cover the costs. This added assurance is crucial in protecting your investment and giving you peace of mind.

In conclusion, entrusting your appliance service and repair to the brand is prudent, as it offers numerous advantages, including expertise, quality, efficiency, and personalised care. It’s an investment in the longevity and performance of your appliances, giving you the confidence that your trusted companions will continue to serve you reliably. OneDios platform simplifies service management by connecting customers, service centres, and manufacturers. Coupled with extended warranty plans, authorised service centres offer comprehensive solutions to ensure your appliances’ longevity and optimal performance.

So, the next time your appliances require attention, remember that choosing brand-authorised service and repair is a decision that pays dividends in the long run. The OneDios app is a complete solution for all your service, repair, extended warranty, and complaint requests. The app allows you to easily reach the customer care of various brands and upload invoices, warranty cards, receipts, and appliance documents. With OneDios, you can keep track of your previous services and schedule your home appliance’s next service in advance.

OneDios Tech

Different Types of Water Purification Technologies


Access to clean and safe drinking water is fundamental for every household. Various water purification technologies have been developed to ensure that the water you and your family consume is free from contaminants and safe for consumption. Choosing the appropriate water purifier depends on the impurities in untreated water and the quality of purified water required. Typically, water with TDS levels below 200 ppm is considered safe for drinking. However, it is still recommended to purify it to remove harmful bacteria and viruses. 

In this blog, we will explore different types of water purifier technologies, detailing their unique features and listing the pros and cons of each. By understanding these technologies, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right water purifier for your home, with the assistance of OneDios for maintenance and servicing.

1. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Purifiers

Reverse Osmosis is a widely used water purification technology that relies on a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities and contaminants from water. If your water purifier service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate an RO service request in a few clicks.  You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all water purifier brands like KentBlue StarHavells AO SMITH RO, LIVPURE RO, AQUA FRESH RO, EUREKA FORBES RO, etc. 

Here are the pros and cons:


  • Highly Effective: RO systems can remove many impurities, including heavy metals, chemicals, and microorganisms.
  • Improved Taste and Odor: They enhance the taste and odour of water by removing dissolved solids.
  • Suitable for High TDS Water: RO purifiers effectively treat water with high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels.


  • Wasteful: RO systems produce significant wastewater during the purification process.
  • Regular Maintenance: The membrane and filters require periodic replacement, incurring maintenance costs.
  • Initial Investment: Installation and purchase costs can be relatively high.

2.UV (Ultraviolet) Purifiers

UV water purifiers use ultraviolet light to disinfect water by destroying the DNA of microorganisms. It is capable of removing 99.99% of harmful organisms from the water.  Here are the pros and cons:


    • Effective Disinfection: UV purifiers eliminate bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
    • No Chemicals: They do not use chemicals, ensuring that water taste, odour, and minerals remain unchanged.


  • Low Maintenance: Minimal maintenance is required to replace the UV lamp. Download the OneDios app and book your water purifier service for regular cleaning and service of your water purifier.



  • Limited to Disinfection: UV purifiers do not remove non-living contaminants like heavy metals or chemicals.
  • Electricity Dependence: These purifiers require a power source, making them less suitable for areas with frequent power outages.
  • Pre-filtration Needed: For turbid or cloudy water, pre-filtration may be required to ensure effective UV disinfection.

3.Activated Carbon Purifiers

Activated carbon purifiers use activated carbon filters to adsorb impurities and contaminants from water. Here are the pros and cons:


    • Chemical Reduction: They effectively remove chlorine, organic compounds, and some chemicals, improving taste and odour.
    • Energy Efficient: Activated carbon purifiers do not require electricity to operate.


  • Easy Installation: These systems are typically easy to install and maintain. If you think your water purifier isn’t working correctly or want to schedule a routine check-up or cleaning, download the OneDios app and book your water purifier service in 6 clicks. 



  • Limited Contaminant Removal: They may not effectively remove minerals, heavy metals, or microorganisms.
  • Regular Filter Replacement: Filters need periodic replacement, incurring maintenance costs.
  • Not Suitable for High TDS Water: They may not be ideal for water with high TDS levels.

4.Ion Exchange Purifiers

Ion exchange purifiers use resin beads to exchange ions, removing specific contaminants from water. By uploading a picture, you can now use the OneDios app to register your product and digitally keep all your documents, like invoices and warranty cards.

Here are the pros and cons:


  • Effective for Hard Water: They are excellent at softening hard water by removing calcium and magnesium ions.
  • Improved Taste: Ion exchange purifiers can enhance the taste of water by removing minerals.
  • No Wastewater: Unlike RO systems, they do not produce wastewater.


  • Limited Contaminant Removal: They may not remove all impurities or microorganisms.
  • Salt Usage: Some ion exchange systems require salt pellets to be periodically replenished.
  • Not Suitable for All Contaminants: They may not be effective against chemical contaminants or certain heavy metals.

RO water purifiers are best suited for hard water with high TDS levels. It improves the taste, removes toxic impurities, kills and filters bacteria and works well on muddy water. The RO water purifier is the best type of water purifier available in India for drinking water.

UV water purifiers are ideal for purifying tap and municipal water. It works best on water with low TDS levels. It cannot remove dead bacteria and dissolved salts and purify muddy water. OneDios app makes it simple for the consumer to avail of the post-sales services without difficulties. 

RO+UV+UF water purifiers have three types of water purification processes in one water purifier. A water purifier with only one technology does not work for places with inferior water quality. It would be best to have purifiers with two or more technologies together.


Selecting the right water purifier technology for your home depends on various factors, including the quality of your water source, the specific contaminants present, and your budget. Regular maintenance and timely filter replacements are essential to ensure the continued effectiveness of your chosen purification system. If you require assistance with maintaining or servicing your water purifier, OneDios is a reliable service platform that can support various home appliances and systems. OneDios is a one-stop shop for all your water purifier-related service, complaints, repair, and extended warranty requests. OneDios also keeps track of your current water purifier service and the replacement of any part. At OneDios, you can also schedule the next water purifier service in advance.

Safe and clean drinking water is vital to maintaining your family’s health and well-being, so choose wisely to safeguard your water supply.

OneDios Tech

Latest Trends in Energy-Efficient Air Conditioners


In an era of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns, energy efficiency has become a top priority for consumers. The demand for energy-efficient appliances has risen significantly, with air conditioners at the forefront. Air conditioners are being developed to lower heat and cool consumption for a greener and more sustainable future. Much has changed from smart thermostats, thermal-driven ACs, and Nano-Air HVAC to a wide array of sensors providing data to apps for remote adjustments.

This blog explores the latest trends in energy-efficient air conditioners and how they can help you stay cool while saving money. 

Latest Trends 

  1. Inverter Technology: Inverter air conditioners are designed to operate at variable speeds, adjusting the compressor’s power according to the cooling needs. Unlike conventional ACs that turn on and off frequently, inverter models maintain a consistent temperature, reducing energy consumption and ensuring more precise temperature control. The last thing you want on the first hot summer day is a non-functional air conditioner. Is your AC overdue for some service or maintenance? Schedule an AC customer care service with OneDios, before the summer heat gets too scorching.
  2. Smart Thermostats and Wi-Fi Connectivity: Air conditioners with smart thermostats allow users to remotely control and schedule temperature settings through mobile apps or voice commands. This feature helps optimise energy usage by allowing users to adjust cooling settings based on occupancy and preferences, so the HVAC system uses less energy when no one is around. An Energy Star-certified smart thermostat can save about 8% on cooling costs.  
  3. Multi-Stage or Variable-Speed Compressors: Multi-stage compressors offer more than one level of cooling output, adapting to different cooling demands. Variable-speed compressors adjust the compressor’s speed based on the required cooling load, further optimising energy usage and reducing power consumption. These systems help the environment by having better temperature and humidity control, using less electricity, and saving money. If you are facing any issues or need help replacing the AC filters, download the OneDios appand put in a request today. It is a one-stop shop for all your AC-related problems and queries. 
  4. Energy-Efficient Refrigerants: The latest air conditioning systems use environmentally friendly refrigerants, such as R-32 or R-410A, which have lower global warming potential (GWP) than older refrigerants like R-22. These eco-friendly refrigerants help minimise environmental impact while ensuring efficient cooling performance.
  5. Thermal Air Conditioners: This technology uses solar or natural gas energy to create cool air. Despite being the least expensive option to traditional A/C units, it is not widely used. It eliminates electricity costs and allows for an eco-friendlier cooling system. This newest air conditioning technology uses renewable sources such as solar energy, natural gas, and thermally driven heat and cold. It uses natural gas to cool buildings which reduces electricity costs. If you are looking forward to buying an Extended Warranty plan for your air conditioner, download the OneDios appand put in a request today.\
  6. Digital Zoning: Digital zoning is a new technology being developed to increase the efficiency of HVAC systems. This method controls and directs the flow of air using a series of dampers placed inside the ductwork of an HVAC system. When combined with sensors, digital zoning automatically adjusts the dampers to send hot or cold air away from empty rooms and into occupied areas of the house, which helps save energy.
  7. Ductless HVAC systems or Mini Split ACs: This air conditioner model links an exterior compressor to an air handler mounted on a wall inside the room. Since they don’t lose 25% of their energy to ductwork, they are far more efficient than central air conditioning systems. Holes and gaps in ductwork can cause air leaks that increase the work for maintenance. Additionally, mini-split units utilise inverter-driven technology to manage the compressor’s speed rather than turning it on and off, which saves even more energy. They are easy to install, efficient, and distribute conditioned air evenly across buildings compared to traditional HVAC systems. Always keep the air ducts clean and leak-free. If, unfortunately, your AC does get damaged by leakage, download the OneDios app and call for an AC service expert.

Benefits of Energy Efficiency in Air Conditioners

Air conditioners have traditionally been energy-intensive, contributing to high electricity bills and environmental degradation. However, technological advancements have led to the development of energy-efficient air conditioners that significantly reduce power consumption without compromising cooling performance. Over time, these savings can offset the higher upfront cost of purchasing energy-efficient units. These units are designed to maximise cooling efficiency while minimising energy waste, making them an attractive option for consumers. 

New HVAC technologies have improved comfort and efficiency. By consuming less energy and using eco-friendly refrigerants, energy-efficient air conditioners help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment. They also offer improved humidity control, air filtration, and quieter operation, enhancing the overall cooling experience. Energy-efficient units provide consistent and precise temperature control, ensuring a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year. For any query regarding temperature levels, please call experts at OneDios

OneDios, a leading platform for appliance management, plays a vital role in maximising the benefits of energy-efficient air conditioners. Providing extended warranty plans and comprehensive customer service, OneDios offers peace of mind and helps customers optimise their air conditioning experience. OneDios offers extended warranty plans beyond the manufacturer’s warranty period, providing coverage against unexpected repairs and breakdowns. This coverage helps protect your investment and ensures that any technical issues are promptly addressed, minimising downtime and inconvenience. OneDios excels in delivering exceptional customer service, providing expert assistance for any queries or concerns about your air conditioner. Our team of professionals is readily available to guide you through installation, usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring you get the most out of your energy-efficient air conditioner.


Energy-efficient air conditioners have become popular among consumers as energy costs rise and environmental consciousness grows. Investing in energy-efficient air conditioners allows you to stay cool and comfortable while saving money on electricity bills. Furthermore, with the support of OneDios’ extended warranty plans and customer service, you can ensure your air conditioning unit’s longevity and optimal performance, providing you with peace of mind and hassle-free cooling for years. Regular AC maintenance results in a longer unit lifespan, increased energy efficiency, cheaper repair costs, enhanced air quality, and a comfortable home temperature. With OneDios, you can contact any customer service within 60 seconds, regardless of the brand—Whirlpool, LG, Samsung, Haier, Daikin, Hitachi, Crompton, Bajaj, Panasonic, Sony, Voltas, Kevinetc. OneDios is the one-stop shop for all home appliance service and repair needs.

OneDios Tech

How OneDios is Revolutionising Extended Warranties for Electronics


In today’s fast-paced world of consumer electronics, where the latest and greatest gadgets quickly become a necessity, the importance of a solid warranty has never been more critical. As consumers, we’re investing a lot in cutting-edge technology, so naturally, we seek the best protection for our investments. Enter OneDios, a game-changer in the realm of extended warranties. This blog dives into how OneDios is revolutionising the extended warranty landscape, offering a fresh and innovative solution that steps away from conventional third-party warranties and instead provides brand-authorised extended warranties. 

Let’s explore the transformative approach OneDios is taking and why it’s becoming the go-to for savvy consumers looking for unmatched value in protecting their appliances.

The Shortcomings of Traditional Third-Party Warranties

Before delving into the offerings of OneDios, it’s essential to understand the limitations associated with traditional third-party warranties. These often include:

  • Generic Service: It’s important to note that third-party warranties often do not ensure that repairs will be conducted by technicians specifically trained by the original brand. This lack of brand-specific training can compromise the quality of repair services provided.
  • Use of Non-OEM Parts: When conducting repairs on products, there’s a notable risk if the replacement parts used are not sourced from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Utilising non-OEM parts can have significant implications on both the product’s performance and longevity. Non-OEM parts, while often cheaper, may not adhere to the same quality and performance standards, potentially leading to diminished functionality and a shorter lifespan for the repaired appliance.
  • Complex Claims Process: Customers often express concern that claims processes related to third-party warranties can be quite complex and time-consuming. Many consumers find navigating the requirements and procedures involved in making a claim frustrating, which can cause delays and inconvenience. 
  • Limited Coverage: It’s essential to be aware that several third-party warranties may have certain limitations on the scope of coverage, which often go unnoticed. These limitations can leave consumers vulnerable to common issues not covered by the warranty. Therefore, it’s essential to read the fine print of any warranty carefully before making a purchase decision.

OneDios: Brand-Authorised Extended Warranties

OneDios is changing the game by providing brand-authorised extended warranties, ensuring that your electronics receive the highest level of care directly from those who know it best – the brand itself. Here’s how OneDios is revolutionising the space:

Guaranteed Brand-Trained Technicians

OneDios guarantees that brand-trained technicians carry out all repairs and services. You don’t have to worry about finding a trustworthy technician when your appliance encounters an issue. This ensures that your electronics are handled with the expertise and care they deserve, maintaining longevity and performance.

Genuine OEM Parts

With OneDios, you’re assured that any replacement parts used are genuine OEM parts, preserving the integrity and value of your electronics. When your appliance needs replacement parts, you can rest easy knowing that only genuine, high-quality components will be used. This commitment to using authentic parts ensures your device operates as intended by the manufacturer. OneDios, in partnership with renowned brands like Voltas, Blue Star, Godrej and Daikin, guarantees quality repairs and the use of genuine parts.

Simplified Claims Process

OneDios has designed a claims process that is simple to use and efficient, which means that you can now say goodbye to the frustrating and time-consuming process of making a warranty claim. Their commitment to providing hassle-free service simplifies the process and leads to a better customer experience. With OneDios, you can rest assured that making a warranty claim will no longer be a burden.

Comprehensive Coverage

Consumer electronics are more than just devices. They are investments that require protection. Most electronics come with a basic manufacturer’s warranty that offers limited coverage for a short time. OneDios’ brand-authorised extended warranties offer comprehensive coverage, including protections that go beyond what traditional third-party warranties provide. This comprehensive approach ensures that customers enjoy peace of mind knowing their devices are fully protected against various potential issues.


In a market saturated with options, OneDios distinguishes itself by offering brand-authorised extended warranties that provide genuine value to consumers. Through brand-trained technicians, genuine OEM parts, a simplified claims process, and comprehensive coverage, OneDios ensures that your electronics are protected by experts who understand your device best.

As the sole provider of brand-authorised extended warranties, OneDios offers a unique and valuable service that contrasts traditional third-party warranties. The choice is clear for consumers seeking the utmost protection, quality, and peace of mind for their electronic devices. Trust in OneDios for extended warranties that not only promise but deliver excellence. Choose brand-authorised extended warranties. Choose OneDios.