Industry Talk

Blood Test in Noida: Importance Of Regular Blood Test

Having a regular blood screening is a significant component for the prevention of various kinds of illness. A blood test holds the potential to catch the health problem before diseases becoming uncontrollable and untreatable. It is the most effective way to keep track of your well-being. A routine intervals blood testing will help you understand how your body is performing, and the need to make well-informed decisions based on the current status of your health. If you are looking for a Blood Test in NOIDA, we recommend you read the following advantages first –

Benefits of blood testing :

Reliable and Comprehensive data

Blood testing gives reliable and comprehensive data of your health that can be analyzed to arrive at the most suitable form of treatment. It also acts as a preventive measure by informing the certainty or uncertainty of preventable diseases.

Early  Detection

Early detection is the most significant way of treating several diseases including cancer. Though it is no the only way to detect diseases but certainly the one that has the potential to uncover most of the diseases.

Functioning of your Liver

A blood test is a perfect way to know the functioning of your liver. The primary function of the liver is the filtration of toxins within the body. A regular blood test can find out issues with the functioning of the liver.


A regular blood test can also help in finding out the level of hormones in the body. This is the only way to know the level of hemoglobin in your body that is the lifeline lack of which can be the reason for multiple diseases with extreme weakness.

Blood test in NOIDA

All you need is a Blood Test to determine how well is your body functioning. Book an appointment for a Blood test in NOIDA from OneDios. You can do it just with a tap of your phone, from the safety of your home, without having to visit anywhere.

You can also book your COVID antibody test instantly on the app.  For this, you can search for vaccine slot availability on the ‘Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the OneDios app.  You have to simply enter your Pin Code to get the relevant information about slot availability. OneDios COVID 19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area by making the process easygoing, painless, and reliable.

You can also track vaccine-related statistics on the “Vaccination Dashboard” available on the OneDios app.  Through this dashboard, you can stay informed about the number of sites conducting vaccination and total vaccination doses in real-time.  You can also check updated data by selecting your state or district to know about specific statistics.

Industry Talk

 What Are Liver Function Tests?

Liver function tests are a type of blood test that is recommended to diagnose liver damage. This is done by measuring liver enzymes and proteins in your blood. There are several types of Liver function tests. Some of them measure the basic functioning of your liver in terms of protein production or bilirubin. Bilirubin is a waste product of blood that highly impacts liver function. Other Liver function tests are used to monitor the enzymes that your liver cells secrete.

 When do you need a Liver Function Test?

Your doctor might recommend a liver function test in any of the following possible cases:

  1. To check for any kind of liver infection like hepatitis
  2. Determine the progress of an ongoing treatment such as alcoholic hepatitis or other viral diseases.
  3. Screen for a possible severe liver disease like Cirrhosis
  4. To monitor any side effects caused by a disease

Symptoms to look out for

  1. Yellowish skin or eyes due to jaundice
  2. Weakness and fatigue
  3. Loss of Appetite
  4. Nausea
  5. Dark-colored urine or light stools

A few tests or combination of Liver function tests that your doctor might recommend you are following:

  1. Alanine transaminase (ALT)
  2. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  3. Albumin and total protein
  4. Bilirubin
  5. Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
  6. L-lactate dehydrogenase (LD)
  7. Prothrombin time (PT)


All you need is a Liver Function Test to determine how well is your liver functioning. Book an appointment for a Liver Function test from OneDios. You can do it just with a tap of your phone, from the safety of your home, without having to visit anywhere.

You can also book your COVID antibody test instantly on the app.  For this, you can search for vaccine slot availability on the ‘Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the OneDios app.  You have to simply enter your Pin Code to get the relevant information about slot availability. OneDios COVID 19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area by making the process easygoing, painless, and reliable.

You can also track vaccine-related statistics on the “Vaccination Dashboard” available on the OneDios app.  Through this dashboard, you can stay informed about the number of sites conducting vaccination and total vaccination doses in real-time.  You can also check updated data by selecting your state or district to know about specific statistics.




Industry Talk

Why do you need regular blood checkup?

Modern science is achieving new milestones every second, with newer discoveries in the field of the health sector, which has made it largely possible for us to initiate treatment even before the onset of the anticipated diseases. This has increased the trust of people in professional medical help and most people nowadays follow routine blood checkup protocols to avoid the health crisis in the future.

Following the same medical advice for routine health checkups, this article will explain the need to have regular blood checkups. Since the blood is the lifeline, it is highly recommended to have regular blood checkups for a healthy life.

Prevention is better than cure

If there is a chance to prevent the disease from taking a dangerous shape, a regular blood checkup or diagnosis has the potential to make a difference in life and death. A comprehensive blood examination at regular intervals opens up possibilities for medical interventions to indicate a coming disease from worsening by providing earlier treatments.

Diabetes and other health issues

The current generation including the young ones is particularly vulnerable to diabetes of different types given the fact that the food habits and consumption patterns have changed dramatically. Different types of diabetes and other related metabolic syndromes need early-stage monitoring.

Blood test- a deeper understanding of health status

It is common to ignore the common health problems like pain, cough, fever, and fatigue with the strong conviction that these are of non-serious nature, and will be self-cured. It is possible that the assumption can be wrong, and a complete blood test can provide the exact internal functioning.

Specific demands of the body

The metabolic exercise of each body is different, and thus the requirements of the individual body also vary from others. A blood test actually details the specific nutrients needed by recognizing the deficient elements in the body. The treatment, after a blood test, is more precise and accurate.

Blood Donor

If you are a regular blood donor, this is the most important health requirement to have regular health checkups.  This also tells you about the capacity of donating blood, to avoid any adverse effects on the body.

You can conveniently book all your regular blood checkups on the OneDios app in few clicks

You can also search for vaccine slot availability on the ‘Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the OneDios app. It allows you to have a streamlined and uncomplicated experience while searching for your vaccine slot. You have to simply enter your Pin Code to get the relevant information about slot availability. OneDios COVID 19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area by making the process easygoing, painless, and reliable.

You can also track vaccine-related statistics on the “Vaccination Dashboard” available on the OneDios app. The data for the dashboard is sourced from official Co-Win Statistics. Through this dashboard, you can stay informed about the number of sites conducting vaccination and total vaccination doses in real-time. Relevant data and trends are presented in user-friendly graphs, categories, and visual formats for greater access. You can also check updated data by selecting your state or district to know about specific statistics.

Industry Talk

How COVID-19 May Lead to Diabetes?

With Covid 19 virus becoming more and more dangerous with each and at every stage of mutations, there have been many recent discussions over the role of this virus in developing diabetes in the Covid affected persons. We have been witnessing SARS-CoV-2 induced pneumonia, blood clots, and other serious health concerns, some studies have also identified another troubling connection with people developing diabetes after an acute COVID-19 infection.

The well-documented fact that people with severe diabetes issues are at greater risk with Covid-19 needs extra health care and precautions to avoid severe risks of illness and death. Several studies across the world have now proven the fact that the person with diabetes is more prone to die than a non-diabetic person when infected with Covid 19, and cases of death also have been recorded with governments releasing the statements of people who died with co-morbidities.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when there is not sufficient insulin production in the pancreas. Beta cells, the source of insulin secretion in the pancreas, don’t secrete enough insulin, thus affecting the body’s metabolic function after a meal. With insulin insufficiency blood glucose levels rise, the hallmark of diabetes.

Damage and death to beta cells-insulin producing cells

Does COVID lead to Diabetes?

Recently, studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health, which is the primary agency of the United States government responsible for biomedical and public health research, confirm the damage to the insulin-producing cells by the Covid 9 virus. Lab studies pointed that the virus can easily affect the beta cells, and also carry the potential to replicate in these insulin-producing beta cells, thus generating more copies of the virus. This event is called ‘Covid induced diabetes’.

Islets- the pancreatic tissue

The survey findings conducted by NIH also supported the fact that the coronavirus infection alters the function of islets. Islets are the pancreatic tissue that contains beta cells. Research teams report evidence that infection with SARS-CoV-2 leads to reduced production and release of insulin from pancreatic islet tissue.

“Covid could be causing diabetes from scratch. These cases are coming from every corner of the world and every continent,” Rubino told Reuters said Dr. Francesco Rubino, a diabetes researcher and chair of metabolic and bariatric surgery at King’s College London.

Excessive steroids usage

Recently the excessive and irrational use of steroids was in the news all across the country. The large doses of steroids, dexamethasone, which is used in severe cases of COVID-19 led to new-onset diabetes and also to an acute exacerbation of mild diabetes if present.


You can search for vaccine slot availability on the ‘Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the OneDios app. It allows you to have a streamlined and uncomplicated experience while searching for your vaccine slot. You have to simply enter your Pincode to get the relevant information about slot availability. OneDios COVID 19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area by making the process easygoing, painless, and reliable.

You can also track vaccine-related statistics on the “Vaccination Dashboard” available on the OneDios app. The data for the dashboard is sourced from official Co-Win Statistics. Through this dashboard, you can stay informed about the number of sites conducting vaccination and total vaccination doses in real-time. Relevant data and trends are presented in user-friendly graphs, categories, and visual formats for greater access. You can also check updated data by selecting your state or district to know about specific statistics.



Industry Talk

How to manage ‘Pandemic Fatigue’?

COVID-19 Pandemic has not only taken a toll on the lives of people, but it has also manifested itself adversely into our mental space. It has become difficult for people to cope up with the perpetual news cycle of losses, tragedy, and trauma. ‘Pandemic Fatigue’ refers to the feeling of demotivation and exhaustion that people are experiencing in their daily lives. It is due to intermittent stay-at-home orders, uncertainty, fear of job losses, and falling incomes. One of the detrimental consequences is a decline in people following appropriate behavior and measures to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Prolonged hardships and sudden disruptions in social engagements have caused a rising number of people to experience this silent agony.

According to an online survey conducted under the aegis of the Indian Psychiatry Society, two-fifths of the respondents were suffering from mental distress like anxiety or depression. WHO has pointed out that Pandemic Fatigue is “natural and expected reaction to sustained and unresolved adversity in people’s lives”

Pandemic Fatigue

COVID-19 has posed an unprecedented challenge to humanity. Pandemic Fatigue is a natural reaction to it. Hence. If you are also facing similar mental strain and difficulty coping, you are not alone.

What are the symptoms?

  • A feeling of fear, anger, irritability, and frustration
  • Changes in appetite
  • Reduced interest and motivation
  • Difficulty to sleep
  • Drowsiness and lethargy


Measures to manage Pandemic Fatigue

Psychologists have suggested a few measures to manage the stress of ‘Pandemic Fatigue’:


  1. Reflect and Accept

It is important to acknowledge that a COVID-19 Pandemic is an unparalleled event in the history of mankind. The helplessness that you might be feeling is natural. Take time and try to care of your mental well-being. Awareness of the problem is a fundamental keystone of the mental health toolkit. “We can’t change what we’re not aware of. It all starts here”, says Dr. Ross, a Psychologist.


  1. Filter your News Feed

It is critical to stay updated with current happenings, especially during the times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. But this might drive up your stress levels and negative emotions. Anxiety may build up from constant social media scrolling and “information overload”. Experts have suggested limiting the screen time and relying only on authenticated news. You may consider staying off social media or scheduling limited time for it until you feel better.


  1. Take up new Hobbies

Monotonous routines and the inability to meet family or friends might drain your mental energy and cause loneliness. Lockdowns have pushed people inside their homes with only a few options to replenish their energy. Cultivating a new hobby like cooking, gardening, or learning a new musical instrument can help in managing stress. It will keep you engaged and motivated to learn. You can look for more hobbies or habits that can help you relax your nerves and have some mental peace during these times.


  1. Keep a Journal

Writing down your feelings can be an effective way to release and express. It will help you analyze a situation and your response to it better. Dr. Radhika Bapat, a clinical psychotherapist has suggested making two columns and writing down things that you can control and things that are not under your control separately. Under your control, things include masking, self-care, getting enough sleep, and taking precautions to avoid contracting COVID-19 infection. What you can’t control is the future so try to worry less and focus on what you can do in the present, she says.


  1. Develop a consistent routine.

You need to deliberately craft a consistent routine and stick to it to relax the mind. Pandemic Fatigue has negatively impacted the sleep cycle of most people. Adequate and timely sleep is crucial for your mental health well-being. Developing a consistent routine and remaining active will keep you busy and motivated. Taking a long walk or a run in the morning can also help clear up your mind. 

Please contact a Psychologist or call the government helpline numbers, if your symptoms don’t improve and reach out for help.



Industry Talk

How long does it take for covid vaccine to work ?

 SARS-Cov-2 or the novel CoronaVirus has taken the whole world by storm. Since it is a new virus, the scientific community and researchers worked lamp to post to develop the vaccine against the virus to fight the pandemic and enable a return to “normalcy”. After more than a year into the pandemic, there are multiple vaccines available in the market. Although it is still not proved that a vaccine would surely protect against the infection, the Doctors and Scientists claim that it considerably reduces the severity of the disease.



There have been concerning reports of reduced effectiveness of the vaccine against the new variants and mutants.

There are the following points to consider to understand how Covid Vaccine would work.

1.How does a Vaccine work?

A vaccine teaches your immune system to identify and resist the virus, once it enters the body. A vaccine mimics the functioning of spike protein in the virus to train your body cells to fight any possible attack. As your body fights the virus, it develops “memory T-cells” that retain the memory of this infection for the next time.

 Thus, it prevents further multiplication of viruses and protects you from further spread to the lungs. Just as your body remembers what it experienced through the disease and builds up an immunity, a fully vaccinated person’s body performs in the same manner.


2. How long does it take for your body to develop antibodies once you get the COVID vaccine shot?

Once you get vaccinated, it takes a few days for your body to build up an immune response through antibodies. It is still important to keep using other tools like masks and social distancing to protect yourself from the infection. During this time your body reads the genetic material of the virus which is available in form of instruction manuals and it takes time for the body to complete this process. According to ICMR guidelines, it would take at least two weeks after the second dose to achieve full protection against the infection. This is how long it takes for your body to develop resistance against any future invasion by the virus.


3. Do you still need to wear a mask, after vaccination?

The discourse around Pandemic spread is as much about protecting others as it is about oneself. The efficacy trials of various COVID vaccines have shown their potential to protect against severe symptoms from occurring. But there is still a possibility that the person might still contract the infection and pass it on to family or friends. This means that even after getting both the jabs of vaccine, you might unintentionally spread it to someone who hasn’t been vaccinated so far or doesn’t have access to it. And the virus, as its nature dictates, is constantly mutating which threatens the credibility of a vaccine. Studies are still underway to find out whether available vaccines work against the emerging mutant or not.

So, don’t forget to double mask while stepping out of the home and be a responsible citizen.


4. Are COVID vaccines the only way out of this pandemic?

 Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientist while commenting on the current Pandemic situation has said, “Though there is light at the end of the tunnel road ahead is still dark and long.”

This light of vaccines is the only ray of hope to pull the world out of dormancy. Vaccines should be made available to each individual of the population because unless everyone is safe nobody is safe. The authorities are taking steps to ramp up vaccine production for equitable distribution

Until then, WHO has advised people to follow strict hand hygiene and double masking. It is said that there is a very low likelihood of virus spreading in open areas, but crowded areas need to be avoided to protect oneself.


If you are finding it difficult to book your vaccine slot, please use ‘OneDios Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the app. The new tool launched on the OneDios app allows you to have a streamlined

and uncomplicated experience while searching for your vaccine slot. You have to simply enter your Pin Code to get the relevant information about slot availability. You can also search by entering the names of the hospitals in your area. It will show you the real-time availability of Vaccine slots in the area. The details of vaccine slot availability are classified into 18+ and 45+ categories for your hassle-free experience. OneDios COVID-19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area.


Industry Talk

What is Mucormycosis or Black Fungus?

As the world still struggles to recover from life-threatening COVID-19 disease, the medical community has red-flagged another deadly infection called Mucormycosis or Black fungus. There are reports of recovering COVID-19 patients contracting Black fungus infection. Fungi is a pathogen that you might have observed in rotting fruits or food. Fungi constitute an important part of biodiversity on earth. Some fungal species even aid plants to absorb nutrients from the soil. One of the most path-breaking discoveries in the history of mankind is Penicillin, an antibiotic that is also obtained from fungus only. Fungi is present everywhere in our environment. But, a few types of fungi can severely infect human beings. The rising number of Black fungus infection cases throughout India is concerning. Let’s first learn a few basics about this infection.



What is Black Fungus Infection?

Black Fungus infection is neither a new disease nor contagious, it is an aggressive infection caused by a group of fungi called ‘mucormycetes’. The CDC has recognized this infection as a rare but deadly disease. It can adversely impact many organs in the human body. In the recent cases of the infection, it is distinctly causing infection in the ear, mouth, nose, and even brain. According to reports, it can cause blindness and jaw damage, which turns black due to the Black Fungus. It can also be very harmful and even fatal if left untreated.

What are the symptoms?

Many doctors and experts have listed out a few symptoms to watch out for the Black Fungus infection. They include blood discharge from the nose, stuffy nose, blackish discharge from the nose, swelling or pain in jaws, eyelid drooping, and eyes turning reddish. Antifungal drugs are the best line of treatment for this infection.

What causes the Black fungus infection?

Co-morbidity of Diabetes or underlying immunodeficiency is called the most common cause of Black fungus infection. According to an estimate, underlying diabetes was reported in 54% to 76% of the cases. The most immediate trigger is the overuse of steroids as a treatment for COVID-19. Indiscriminate use of steroidal medicines in COVID-19 patients having diabetes can cause their sugar levels to rise. Dr. V. Mohan, senior diabetologist, has called steroids a “double-edged sword” that needs to be administered judiciously. When the sugar levels of a diabetic COVID-19 patient suddenly spike, it makes them vulnerable to this infection. The Indian Council for Medical Research has issued an advisory listing the following conditions in COVID-19 patients as more susceptible to Black Fungus infection:

  • Unmanaged Diabetes Mellitus
  • Compromised immune system due to overdose of steroids
  • Elongated ICU or hospital stay
  • Post organ transplant or cancer
  • Voriconazole therapy (rigorous treatment for severe fungal infection)

How to prevent Black Fungus? 

Listen to the Experts!  

Union Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan has said that “Awareness and early diagnosis can help curb the spread of fungal infection.”

AIIMS director Dr. Guleria noted that black fungus infection cases are rising due to overuse of steroids. He also urged the doctors and patients to follow protocols of infection control practices. He has listed down following precautions to avoid the infection:

  1. Manage sugar levels for diabetic patients.
  2. Use masks consistently, especially when visiting a construction site.
  3. Avoid misuse of high-dose steroids.
  4. Practice personal hygiene.
  5. Early detection and prompt treatment.

As the great saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, lookout for early signs and take precautions to avoid contracting COVID-19. If you experience any COVID-19 related symptoms, get tested as soon as possible.  

Book your COVID Antigen test at Onedios.

Industry Talk

COVID 19 Mutations and Variants.

The novel Coronavirus has caused havoc throughout the world and impacted every phase of life, disrupting normal day-to-day activities. Covid-19, caused by SARS- Cov-1, is one of the large family of viruses distinctly recognized for having crown-like spikes on its outer layer, which it uses to attach itself with human receptor cells, causing the disease. According to WHO, these viruses can mutate several times in their natural lifecycles resulting in new variants. These variants can be more virulent and even more fatal in most cases. In other cases, the impact of mutations on human health might eventually die down and become harmless to human beings, as the Darwin theory stipulates.



There are currently multiple virus mutations in circulation, of which two are of particular concern to the medical community. These are primarily the variants that have caused the second wave of infections in several countries, resulting in a massive spike in positivity rates.


What is a mutation?

A mutation refers to a change that occurs in our DNA sequence. This may cause a change in its behavior and effectiveness. In current variants, one mutation, in particular, has improved the capability of the virus to bind with proteins in human cells called receptors. This binding affinity seen in current mutants is 40-80% more transmissible during the second wave. The new ‘double mutant’ has been identified in 80-82% of samples collected from India, which is causing immune-escape in the body of an infected individual and chances of increased transmissibility, but it has been said to be less deadly according to studies. It has proven to be at least 15% more virulent in preliminary studies.


What are the mutations circulating in India?

WHO has recently classified COVID mutation in India as a “variant of concern”. Indian mutation of COVID 19 has been named B.1.617, which is highly contagious. Epidemiologists suggest that this variant famously called “double mutant” is a result of thirteen mutations. Out of all thirteen mutations, two are of particular concern, hence called a ‘double mutant’. These mutations have caused modifications in the spike protein on the Coronavirus. Mutations are natural in any virus and there can be multiple numbers of them floating in the population. India has detected 24,000 mutations in 7000 variants of the COVID 19 virus. But only a few are the cause of concern.

In some samples in India, a UK-type variant of the COVID 19 virus is detected. B.1.1.7 is it’s name. It has accumulated 23 mutations across 5 genes. 

Experts have also suggested that these mutations might even escape the RT-PCR tests. But such incidences are very rare. 


Is the new mutant a cause of worry?

Mutations of the virus in new variants can potentially evade the neutralizing effect of natural bodily immune-response. It means that even if you have recovered from a previous variant, you can still get reinfected with it. However, ICMR notifications say that infected people who have already recovered from a primary infection would be very mild. It points towards the fact that vaccines would shield you from the possibility of severe infection in the future. The good news is that COVAXIN has been confirmed to be effective against this mutant, one of the two vaccines currently available in India, It is the only silver lining of hope people can rely on in current scenarios.


How does a vaccine impact virus mutation?

As the virus changes its nature, it is necessary to consider whether already developed vaccines are going to be effective against them or not. Research is going on to understand the modification of their genetic material and how it might affect vaccine development. But, a general medical view holds that even if the vaccine becomes less effective towards any new mutant, there is a possibility to make changes in the vaccine’s component raw material to improve antibody response and vaccine efficacy.

There is no need to worry about the effectiveness of a vaccine as a vaccine can be altered as per the need.  it is necessary to get vaccinated as soon as you can. Vaccination is the last line of defense to protect oneself against infection by the Experts.

Industry Talk


All around the world, there have been a lot of efforts made to stand up against the novel Coronavirus. The pandemic, which took the world by the storm had put all from patients to healthcare workers in a fix. Yet, gradually, we learned a lot about the coronavirus and how it affects our bodies.


During this hard time, one of the first things we all learned was how Covid-19 can affect our Respiratory system. The effect which the virus has on our lungs can be fateful, especially to the people previously experiencing co-morbidities.

How does Covid-19 reach the lungs?

Covid-19 is a lethal disease that is majorly affecting the respiratory system and lungs are a major part of it. Numerous people believed that the novel coronavirus entered the circulatory system and hence affected the lungs. But over time, the real way to the lungs was found. When a person comes in contact with a Covid-19 patient. And afterward touches their face, the virus can enter the body through the nose, mouth, or eyes. It does as such by sticking to the mucous membranes. On entering the body, they increase on a large scale and take over healthy cells.

These recently formed cells then enter the trachea, which is also called the windpipe of the body. As an organ, the trachea is like a hollow tube with a branch-like junction at its end. These junctions are connected to the lungs. The virus cells go down the windpipe and arrive at the junction, and then, the lungs. The junctions towards the end of the trachea have small air sacs. These sacs, known as alveoli are liable for sending oxygen to the rest of the body. The covid cells contaminate the upper and lower part of the trachea and thus, cause problems in sending oxygen to crucial organs, which is what makes it such a deadly affliction.

What to Do When COVID-19 Spreads To The Lungs?

It’s in the second week of being infected with coronavirus, that the infection might spread to your lungs. The extreme complications of the virus seem to appear when the infection spreads to your lungs. It is at this time when the patient’s condition may start deteriorating and may begin to experience symptoms like severe cough and other symptoms like pneumonia.

  • Signs that show coronavirus may have spread to the lungs

Coronavirus is basically a respiratory disease that causes symptoms like breathing trouble, cough, and fever. As referenced above, It’s somewhere around the second week of being infected with COVID-19, that the infection may spread to the patient’s lungs.

If someone has a consistent fever, above 100 for 2-4 days, and if they have inflammatory markers in their blood, most importantly high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels (above 10), and dipping oxygen saturation (less than 94), these are signs that may flag that virus has spread to the lungs,”

  • Symptoms to watch out for

Patients that have tested positive for the virus will have mild to strong symptoms like dry cough,  loss of sense of taste breathlessness, fever, and smell, tiredness, and chest pain.

If the infection has spread to the lungs, the symptoms may be persistent cough and fever, chest discomfort, low oxygen saturation breathlessness on exertion, and blood inflammatory markers. It usually happens after five-six days of the virus.

  • Important to be in touch with the doctor

A person who has already tested positive for COVID-19 is most likely to already be in constant touch with the doctor. But Once you have an infection in the lungs, the doctor will prescribe if you need a CT scan, or if need to be prescribed some steroids, or if you need to get admitted to the hospital for appropriate treatment. So it’s highly required to be in constant touch with your doctor.

Taking care over time

For patients who have been affected by a coronavirus, there needs to be a good amount of care taken. Currently, many medical studies point to the fact that the lungs are mostly affected due to the novel coronavirus. As such may cause fatigue and a lack of immunity even after the virus has gone. In such cases, a recovery regimen set by your doctor needs to be followed thoroughly. And along with that, precautionary measures should also be followed so as to not be re-infected by the disease.

If you have experienced symptoms of Coronavirus, reach out to your doctor immediately or get an RT-PCR test done from Pathkind labs. Given the case that you have already been a coronavirus survivor, it is essential that you get an Antigen test done to see how strong your antibodies are to fight the occurrence of other diseases in the coming future.


Industry Talk

9 things to remember while shifting during Pandemic (Covid-19).

Shifting your home can be a very emotional and hectic task especially during a pandemic situation. It needs proper precaution, planning, and preparation. Whether you hire a packers and movers company or you want to pack your own, both require your support and help. Moving to a new home is about packing and checking the faults and fixing them all. The better you plan your shifting, the fewer problems will arise, shifting a less tedious job. One can manage the stress with proper shifting tips and a checklist, to remain organized throughout the move. Therefore, hiring professional packers and movers who are skilled and experienced in their jobs can make the task easy. Before, finalizing the movers and packers, plan well and do not ignore minor faults.

In this blog, we will tell you everything you need to know about the shifting process and how to get organized:

1. Wear Masks and Gloves

Everyone who is involved in the shifting process should be wearing a double face mask and gloves at all times. Whether you are hiring movers or enlisting your family or friends, don’t forget to wear protective gear when shifting during the pandemic.

Proper protective equipment that you can wear while moving includes double masks, gloves, PPE kit, Sanitizer, and shoe coverings. You can prevent yourself and your family from getting infected with these kits.

2.Get rid of unnecessary stuff:

Before shifting your home, it is best to get rid of unwanted or broken items such as toys, kitchen appliances, clothing, books, etc. When you declutter your space before your move, you are also saving a lot of time and money. Otherwise, you will have to pay for extra boxes. It is a very stressful thing to unpack stuff that you really don’t need.

3. Sanitize everything

Moving during the Coronavirus pandemic can be hectic Fortunately, there’s no need to spend hours showering all of your household belongings to avoid catching the virus. In fact, preventing the spread of corona is something that can easily be done in seconds with the proper sanitation methods and common-sense precautions.

4. Sell your stuff before you move:

When you have fewer items to move, it gets very easy for you to organize the entire shifting task.  Items like furniture, appliances, and other items can fetch you a good deal online or offline and can offset the expense of your move.

5. Take proper measurements:

Before moving to the new home, organize the living space in advance. Take proper measurements of the furniture to make sure that everything fits in and has a proper place in your new house. Planning and playing with arrangements will make the shifting tasks easier on the day of moving.

6. Make your new home pest-proof:

Making your new home pest-proof in advance will prevent your kids and pets from being exposed to the hard chemicals. If the new house is unoccupied for quite some time, there are high chances, you will come across a large pest population. Therefore, it is important to make your home free from insects like bugs, termites, cockroaches, etc. before you move.

7. Check for the switchboards:

The new place could have undergone many repairs. You may find few incompatible or broken or dirty plug boards and buttons. So, before moving in, replace the old switch plates with the new ones. This will create evenness and will add freshness to the home.

8. Hire a professional painter and cleaner:

An expert cleaner will thoroughly clean cupboards, carpets, fixtures, and other things in the house. Painting your new home before shifting is ideal as it is easier to paint an empty house. Hiring a professional painter is the best option.

9. Book hiring shifting company in advance:

If you are hiring a packers and movers service, then make the bookings in advance. This will also give you a chance to compare the rates and select the best packers and movers company in the town. The cost is totally dependent on the number of items you want to take along with you to the new house. Make a list of all the necessary items you want to carry and as per your need, the packers and movers service provider will arrange packing material. Therefore, you need to make sure that the task of packing and moving, remains easy and stress-free.

If you are also looking for packers and movers service, why not raise a request on the OneDios App? Availing OneDios efficient movers and packers service will ensure that all your packing is done well and shifted to your new house with utmost care. We also provide complete painting and pest-proof services for your flat, farmhouse, villas, and shops. You can raise a service request in a few clicks without having to call multiple people or search for phone numbers. OneDios is a one-stop-shop for all your service, complaints, and repair requests. It even logs your last service details and you can also schedule the next service in advance. OneDios offers excellent packers and movers services with qualified experts. We now cover over 1350 postcodes in India.