Industry Talk

Covid-19 : The Role of Nutrition During Corona Pandemic.

Covid-19 is nothing but a leading challenge across the globe. Nowadays, every country over the globe is opting for important steps so that they could reduce the spread of COVID-19. The government has taken several steps such as self-quarantine and shutting down all business practices. People who are suffering from even minor respiratory problems such as inhaling or exhaling issues, cough, sneeze, fever, or any type of sickness are kept under isolation. Due to closed business practices nutrition is mainly affected as hotels and restaurant services are declining and food items are becoming less available.

Nutrition is very much important mainly when you are fighting with yourself i.e your immune system. Pre-cooked food is rich in sugars, fats, and other substances that can have a negative impact on your body. So, moving with processed food during self-quarantine will not be beneficial. A person could pursue a healthy solitary plan even with a few ingredients.
To fight against these problems WHO has created specific guidelines and measures to be taken during periods of self-isolation.

According to WHO, a balanced diet and hydration are most important. It advises eating seasonal fruits and vegetables, pulses, nuts, unsaturated fats, coconut oils, and whole grains like wheat, oats, brown rice, maize, millet, It recommends eating at least two cups of fruits, 2.5 cups of vegetables, 180 grams of grains, and 160 grams of beans daily. It also advises people to consume low-fat milk and dairy products.


Draft your diet plan- It is critical to think about your own requirements, just as those of others especially during covid-19. First of all, survey what you as of now have at home and plan your admission. You may want to buy a lot of food sources, yet try to consider and use what is now in your storeroom. Make a proper list.

Get ready for home-prepared food-

During normal day life, people don’t have the opportunity to get ready for home-prepared dinners. Investing longer times of energy during isolation may now offer the people to make good things. Thousands of recipes and content are available on the web. So opt for a new recipe every day and stay away from processed food.
Be hydrated – Drinking is more important for well-being. As we know the human body is made up of 70% of water. It is likewise the most manageable, as it creates no waste, contrasted with filtered water. Drinking water rather than sugar-improved refreshments is a straightforward method to restrict your admission of diseases during quarantine

Eat sufficient fiber-

Fiber builds body framework and offers essential requirements during covid-19. To guarantee sufficient fiber consumption, eat vegetables, natural products, and wholegrain food varieties which are mostly found in each and every home during isolation.
Practice safe handle and sanitization- Due to the increase in the spread of infections and viruses there should be proper handling as well as sanitization of hands and proper washing of vegetables, other grocery items, etc.

Cutoff your salt intake-

The accessibility of new food varieties may diminish during the covid-19 period and it might consequently get important to depend more on canned, frozen, or handled food sources. Large numbers of these food sources contain significant degrees of salt. WHO suggests the intake of under 5 g of salt each day. To accomplish this, focus on food varieties with diminished or no added salt. You may likewise consider washing canned food sources like vegetables and beans, to eliminate a portion of the sodium. Salted food sources frequently contain many degrees of sodium as well.

There are many other activities and tips such as lower fat intake, a high protonated diet, and much more. The main focus should be on spreading awareness of causes, symptoms, and preventive measures to be taken during self-quarantine.

WHO suggests burning through at least 400 g (for example 5 bits) of products of the soil each day. Consuming citrus natural products like oranges, clementines and grapefruit are acceptable alternatives, just as bananas and apples, which can likewise be cut into more modest pieces and frozen for later utilization or to add to smoothies. Root vegetables like carrots, turnips, and beets, just as vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are moderately durable. Garlic, ginger, and onions are likewise incredible choices to keep at home during periods of isolation.

List of food items that could be stored during the self-quarantine period

  • Dried nuts and seeds
  • Eggs
  • Canned vegetables
  • Pulses
  • Wholegrains and spices
  • Frozen fruits

 Food practices recommended to minimize the risk of contamination during Covid-19

  • Wash vegetables and fruits properly before eating.

  • Wash, rinse, and disinfect every object and surface around you, every time before and after use.

  • Keep cooked food and raw foods away from each other, as it would prevent the harmful microbes from raw foods from spreading to cooked foods.

  • Use different chopping boards and utensils for cooked and raw foods so that they don’t prevent cross-contamination.

  • Foodservice workers should use gloves while preparing food.

  • Frequently disinfect surfaces that came in contact with customers or workers such as grocery carts, doorknobs, counters.

A proper and healthy diet can ensure a good immune system that can resist any onslaught by the virus. A certain amount of nutrients saturates into cells and prevents us from any kind of nutritional deficiency. People consuming well-balanced diets appear to be safer with better and healthy immune systems and lower chances of chronic diseases and infections. The main objective of this article is to induce healthy dietary habits that help to maintain the physical and mental health of people.


If you or your loved one are facing any symptoms don’t wait for long just get your tests done at home through OneDios App in a few clicks.  Download the OneDios app and relax in the comfort of your home.