Industry Talk

 What Are Liver Function Tests?

Liver function tests are a type of blood test that is recommended to diagnose liver damage. This is done by measuring liver enzymes and proteins in your blood. There are several types of Liver function tests. Some of them measure the basic functioning of your liver in terms of protein production or bilirubin. Bilirubin is a waste product of blood that highly impacts liver function. Other Liver function tests are used to monitor the enzymes that your liver cells secrete.

 When do you need a Liver Function Test?

Your doctor might recommend a liver function test in any of the following possible cases:

  1. To check for any kind of liver infection like hepatitis
  2. Determine the progress of an ongoing treatment such as alcoholic hepatitis or other viral diseases.
  3. Screen for a possible severe liver disease like Cirrhosis
  4. To monitor any side effects caused by a disease

Symptoms to look out for

  1. Yellowish skin or eyes due to jaundice
  2. Weakness and fatigue
  3. Loss of Appetite
  4. Nausea
  5. Dark-colored urine or light stools

A few tests or combination of Liver function tests that your doctor might recommend you are following:

  1. Alanine transaminase (ALT)
  2. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  3. Albumin and total protein
  4. Bilirubin
  5. Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
  6. L-lactate dehydrogenase (LD)
  7. Prothrombin time (PT)


All you need is a Liver Function Test to determine how well is your liver functioning. Book an appointment for a Liver Function test from OneDios. You can do it just with a tap of your phone, from the safety of your home, without having to visit anywhere.

You can also book your COVID antibody test instantly on the app.  For this, you can search for vaccine slot availability on the ‘Vaccine Slot Finder’ on the OneDios app.  You have to simply enter your Pin Code to get the relevant information about slot availability. OneDios COVID 19 Vaccine Slot Finder empowers you to efficiently check available vaccine slots in your area by making the process easygoing, painless, and reliable.

You can also track vaccine-related statistics on the “Vaccination Dashboard” available on the OneDios app.  Through this dashboard, you can stay informed about the number of sites conducting vaccination and total vaccination doses in real-time.  You can also check updated data by selecting your state or district to know about specific statistics.





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