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Practical Tips to Keep Your Refrigerator in Immaculate Condition

refrigerator customer services

A refrigerator is one of the most essential “and expensive” home appliances that run 24*7 to keep all your food and beverages and others in a safe and optimal temperature to reduce wastage.

It is possible, however, for things to go wrong if the power goes out suddenly or the refrigerator mechanism breaks down. Wear and tear inevitably spoil all the necessary items leading to increased expenditure. In such a scenario, you are forced to contact refrigerator customer services.

However, you can extend the life of your refrigerator with timely service and extend the warranty of your appliance. If you are facing any issue with your machine, download the OneDios app and upload the details of your Refrigerator today. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Whirlpool, Samsung, Godrej, GE, etc.

Important Refrigerator Maintenance Tips for long-term use

1. Refrigerator Placement

The placement of the fridge affects its performance. Should ideally place it by keeping a one-inch distance from the wall. It helps the refrigerator dispense heat properly without any obstruction. It would be best if you did not put it in a hot area, where there is direct sunlight, or next to a stove or a microwave, as high temperatures can cause the unit to fail.

2. Check if the Doors Are Sealed (Gasket)

Refrigerators have a rubber gasket on doors which latches neatly on closing. A loose seal will allow the cool air to seep out, wasting energy and causing your fridge to work harder than it needs to.

First, make sure the gasket is free of food residue. Clean the seals about twice a year using a toothbrush and a baking soda solution. To test the tightness of your doors, place a piece of paper or a note of money half in half out, then close the refrigerator door. If it slips out easily, you may need to have the door seals checked by a professional.

Inspect the gasket frequently for signs of wear and tear. If it’s cracked or deteriorated, you should replace it. Instead of searching for a refrigerator customer care and waiting for their response, take the expert services of OneDios. It is developed to in-line the services from all brands in just a minute. We are bringing a revolution in how customer service is delivered.

3. Keep Door Closed

The best way to ensure proper refrigerator maintenance is to keep the door closed. The refrigerator must work harder to maintain the correct temperature when opened frequently, increasing electricity bills and power consumption. Think beforehand about what you need from the fridge. Close the doors properly once you store or remove things from the refrigerator.

4. Set the Optimal Temperature

Setting the right temperature is essential for efficient cooling. It is recommended to set the refrigerator’s temperature at 4°C, and the freezer’s temperature should be below 0°C.

If you have a scale-based system, keep the temperature to a medium or normal level to keep the refrigerator working for a longer duration. If the temperature is set incorrectly, the fridge might run longer than necessary to maintain the ideal temperature. Moreover, depending on your manufacturer, you can contact Samsung refrigerator customer care or Whirlpool refrigerator customer care to know the ideal temperature.

5. Clean the Refrigerator Once Fortnightly

One of the practical steps toward refrigerator maintenance is keeping it clean and tidy. Clean the fridge’s outside and inside using a soft, damp cloth and a mild cleaning agent (or vinegar). Keep the door’s gasket clean so that it stays in good condition. Regular cleaning gives it a fresh look and removes any gunk, residues, and unwanted substances while uplifting its state to a better level.

6. Clean the Condenser Coils

For the refrigerator to operate smoothly and efficiently, keep the coils free of dust, debris, hairs, and pet dander. Coils are usually located at the bottom or back of the appliance, which is technically the heart of the fridge. If the coils are left dirty, they won’t release heat efficiently and could interfere with the refrigerator’s performance.

Continuous buildup on the coils can make things worse, often causing the coils to burn, which leads to unwanted repair costs. Looking for refrigerator service, you can book your service from OneDios in just 6 clicks.

However, it is advised to clean the condenser coils twice a year to maintain the proper functioning of the refrigerator. Use a vacuum or a duster to clean the coils and remove the dust.

7. Frost and defrost the freezer

Defrost the freezer fortnightly as frosting can cause a waste of energy. Defrosting is essential for refrigerator upkeep and longevity. Perhaps, this can be done every alternate weekend or so. Switch the power off the refrigerator, open the door, and let the ice melt away.

8. Avoid Blocking the Vents

There should be enough space between the refrigerator’s vents and things stored inside the fridge. The vents supply cool air and stuffing the refrigerator to the maximum blocks the vents.  Blocking vents creates an inefficient environment, forcing the refrigerator to work harder to keep things cool.

9. Keep it Stocked

Filling up the refrigerator helps the unit cool better and operate more efficiently. Refrigerators need “thermal mass” (lots of stuff) to maintain low temperatures while using less energy. Cool foods and drinks help absorb warm air flowing in on opening the door. We should keep it well stocked and not overcrowded. It prevents the fridge from working vigorously. When stocking up, be careful not to block any vents or controls.

10. Cool Down and Cover the Food

Placing hot, steaming food in your fridge will raise the appliance’s temperature and contents’, making it work harder to stabilize the temperatures. Make sure food cools down before putting it in the refrigerator.

Food should be stored in containers covered with fitting tops or foil or plastic wrap. This helps keep your food fresh for longer, minimizes moisture in your refrigerator, and prevents odors from spreading.

Check-ups and Repairs

Despite regular maintenance, things can sometimes go wrong with a refrigerator, and if you can catch the problem early, you may be able to save the appliance and extend its life. if you wish to avoid the need to search for refrigerator repair near you, then you can contact OneDios for regular maintenance and repairs of the refrigerator of any brand. OneDios makes the process simpler, quicker, and more efficient of contacting customer care for any issue and booking service within a minute.

If you have any queries about the extended warranty and AMC of any refrigerator brands such as LG, Samsung, Whirlpool, etc., download the OneDios app today. At OneDios, we are here to help you take care of all your home appliances. You can raise a service request in a Six clicks without having to call various people or search for phone numbers.  OneDios app is a one-stop shop for all your service, complaints, repair, and extended warranty requests. It even logs when you last got your refrigerator service and parts replaced. They also keep track of your previous services, and you can fix your refrigerator’s next service in advance. OneDios now also covers over 1350 Zip codes in India.