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Immune System: Boost Immunity in the second wave of covid

With all the concerns about rising cases of coronavirus (COVID-19), we need to look at what we can do to support our Immune system. It’s the time to look at our lifestyle and see what we are capable of changing. Proper hand sanitation and wearing a mask is the number one method of control, but what else can we do?



Let’s take a look at what we can do to nourish our bodies and keep our immune systems strong.

Nutritional Diet

The food you eat plays a significant role in determining your overall health and immune system. It’s high time to increase nutritious food in your daily lifestyle.  One can include whole plant-based foods like green vegetables, colorful fruits, seeds, nuts, and pulses which are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help to fight against harmful disease.


Food to boost the Immune system:

Vitamin C Rich Food– Food such as Lemon, oranges, broccoli, spinach, kale is considered to be best for our immune system. Daily intake of vitamin C is very essential for good health, skin, hair, and our immune system because your body doesn’t produce or store it. The best part is we don’t need a supplement for vitamin C, as it is present in many foods

Vitamin E-rich food– It is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection and other diseases. Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, spinach, and seeds.

Ginger –  Ginger contains gingerol which could help fight infections and other diseases.

Tulsi leaves – Tulsi is rich in zinc and plays an essential role in keeping our immune system in check if consumed daily. We can soak them in drinking water, as it adds a refreshing taste to water and is commonly known as an immunity booster.

Giloy – Giloy is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that can provide many immunity benefits without any side effects.


Sleep, Sleep, and More Sleep

Good snooze time for 7-9 hours is the best way to help your body build immunity. By not sleeping for enough time, we increase stress and hurt our immunity system. Because sleeping is important for our immune system, we need to let ourselves sleep as much as we need. It’s is a great way to reboot your body and mind and needless to say your immune system. 

Poor sleep can increase blood pressure, inflammation, hunger, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, as well as the poor immune system.

You can listen to soothing music or read your favorite book for a good sleep.


Stay Hydrated for a better immune system

It’s common to hear that drinking water is very essential for our body. But do you know why?

It’s a fact you’ve been hearing since your school … “Your body is made up of 70% water.” So, it makes sense that not having enough water in your body can result in health consequences- Dehydration.

Water helps to carry oxygen to cells of the body, which in turn helps in the proper functioning of our body. Experts recommend drinking at least 2-3 liters of water daily to stay healthy and keep the immune system in check. During this time, try to increase your water intake. Plain water is always the best, but if you find it difficult to drink 8 glasses of water in a day then you can simply try lemon or mint water or other detox homemade drinks. They are also beneficial for health equally.


Watch that Stress 

Stress is different for everybody and how to relieve it, too. According to research, long-term stress can cause severe health problems, and it can impact our immune system. You can practice deep breathing, meditation, prayer, exercise, read your favorite novel or listen to soothing and relaxing music.


Soak in some vitamin D for your Immune system

Vitamin D plays an essential role in fighting against diseases. During the pandemic, it becomes necessary to include Vitamin-D-rich foods in your diet. Some of the reports state that vitamin D not only improves your immune system but also reduces the risk of getting infected. It also helps to reduce the chances of developing heart disease. Usually, our body itself creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin, but due to covid, we mostly stayed in our homes, so you should increase the amount of vitamin D in your diet.


Stay Active Physically and Mentally.

It will be a great help for your immune system if you stay active. Low levels of physical activity can have negative signs on your health. Regular exercise plays a vital role in keeping your body active all day long. It helps in maintaining weight, reducing stress, and improves immunity too. Physical activity helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn keeps your mind stable and active. It is necessary to stay active physically and mentally, especially when you are facing a pandemic.


Apart from following a proper healthy lifestyle, the Indian health ministry has also suggested few organic and natural ways to practice in order to fight against COVID-19. The Ministry of AYUSH has recommended the following self-care routine to keep your Immune system in check:

  • Drink as much warm water as you can throughout the day.
  • Inhale steam with Caraway seeds and Mint leaves.
  • Practice Meditation, Yoga, daily.
  • Increase your intake of Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander, ginger, and garlic.
  • Drink herbal tea of basil, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Dry Ginger.
  • Avoid sugar and replace it with jaggery or Dates sugar.
  • Apply Ghee, or Coconut oil in both nostrils to keep the nostrils clean.

While our Health care workers are fighting against the Covid-19, we can do a little bit by limiting our exposure to the virus by staying at our homes, maintaining social distancing, eating nutritious and healthy food, stay hydrated, and following the basic hygiene protocol.

If you or your loved one are facing any symptoms don’t wait for long just get your tests done at home through OneDios App in a few clicks. Download the OneDios app and relax in the comfort of your home.