Industry Talk

12 Essential Reasons why your Phone Hangs

Mobile phones have become our lifeline and an integral part of our daily routine. Therefore, you should always opt for a reliable company for your mobile repair. The most common problem we face with our smartphones is the hanging problem. From hardware to software malfunction, there can be many reasons behind it. If you are also facing the hanging problem with your mobile phone, why not download the OneDios App and raise a service request.

Here are a few reasons, why your mobile phone frequently hangs:

1. Check your storage:

We load our phone with heavy data and applications such as games, photos, songs, etc. and takes up a plethora of space. Mobile phones come with limited storage so if you are using more than 80% of the storage, this will cause the hanging problem.  If the issue still persists, contact mobile repair service from OneDios App for proper diagnose and hassle-free process.

2. Check your Ram:

If the Ram i.e. internal memory of your phone is low, then after a while it starts to hang. Using multiple apps on a low ram phone can result in phone hanging problems. It is best to delete unwanted photos, videos, applications, etc. You can also download the OneDios App and call for a mobile repair service expert.

3. Running several applications simultaneously:

When several applications run at the same time, they consume more space to the allocated memory, this can hang your mobile phone. Clear background applications from the recent apps section and keep only needed apps for a smooth browsing experience.

4. Heavy games & Videos:

When you play heavy games on your mobile phone for a longer period of time, this reduces the phone’s abilities and it starts to hang. If your Ram capacity is low, then avoid playing heavy games. If errors like the device stay warm for a longer time or unable to charge due to high temperature, you can raise a request for mobile repair from OneDios App.

5. Multitasking:

Running several tabs or doing multiple tasks can reduce the speed of the processor, hence results in phone hanging. If errors like longer boot time or the system UI crashes frequently, you can raise a request for mobile repair from OneDios App.

6. Virus:

If you download applications from unsafe or unsecured sites, this can result in virus and will also reduce the speed of your mobile phone. This will hang your phone. You can also download the OneDios App and call for a mobile repair expert to get rid of malware and viruses. Our expert engineers will scan your mobile phone for viruses and will install the latest antivirus.

7. Overloaded phone memory

If you put all your data, such as photos, songs, videos, etc. in your phone’s memory instead of SD card, your phone will hang. It is better to shift your data from phone memory to memory card. And when your memory card gets full transfer the data to your laptop or computer. You can also download the OneDios App and call for a mobile repair expert to safeguard your essential files and avoid chances of error while transferring files.

8. Overheating:

Overuse of phone can result in overheating, this would cause your phone to hang. If the issue still persists, contact mobile repair service from OneDios App for proper diagnose and hassle-free process.

9. Outdated software:

It is better to update your software from time to time. If you frequently face the hanging problem, then updating the software will help. Obsolete software can hang your smartphone. It is better to call for a mobile repair expert by downloading the OneDios App. The engineer will check your mobile thoroughly and will also see if a software upgrade is necessary.

10. Animated wallpaper:

Animated or live wallpaper, can impact the performance of your processor. You can choose not to put any wallpaper or you can put a simple display.

11. Cache:

Caches are temporary memories stored in your mobile phone, so delete cache, cookies and unnecessary files. If the issue still persists, contact mobile repair service from OneDios App for proper diagnose and hassle-free process.

12. Installing multiple applications:

When you install multiple apps on your phone, then this can cause a hanging problem as the mobile phone cannot run all apps simultaneously.

If you are looking to buy an extended warranty or AMC for your smartphone, raise a mobile repair request on the OneDios App in a few clicks, without having to call several people or search for phone numbers. OneDios is a one stop shop for all your service, complaints and repair requests. It even logs when you last got your smartphone serviced and parts replaced. Download the OneDios app and upload the details of your smartphone today. OneDios will help keep track of all your previous services and you can schedule the next maintenance of your phone in advance. You can also buy an extended warranty, AMC and screen protection for all smartphones brands such as Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Lenovo, Motorola, MI etc.