Industry Talk

TV Service – How to properly clean your TV screen?

When was the last time you called for a TV service expert? Or cleaned your TV? A TV is exposed to dust, debris, cobwebs, pet hair, and germs flowing in the air. All these things can majorly damage the quality of the picture in the long run. Therefore, knowing how to clean your TV becomes very important. Imagine, how often you touch your remote throughout the day! Here are a few steps for an affordable and ideal way to clean your TV screen. But, we will still recommend that you check the manufacturer’s manual as some TVs have very specific guidelines on how to appropriately clean the screen. Here are a few general tips to clean your TV screen:

Tv service

1.Turn your TV Off and unplug it

The first thing you need to do is to turn off and unplug your TV. This eliminates the chance of any shock etc. Also, a blank screen can expose more dust and dirt. Pullin the plug also allows your TV to cool down Also, give some time for your TV to cool down.

2. Use a dry microfiber cloth

When your TV gets cool, use a soft and dry microfiber cloth to dust the screen to clean off any dirt particles. TV’s with screen type of plasma, LCD, LED  can be very delicate. Therefore you should use an anti-static microfiber cloth to clean them. Don’t use wet clothes, tissues, paper towels, etc to clean your TV screen, as they comprise of fiber that can leave marks on your screen. Basically, use a lint-free cleaning cloth that doesn’t shed fiber. Always clean in a circular motion and don’t push the screen too hard or else the pixels will burn out.

3. Don’t apply any liquid directly on the screen

This part is very essential to avoid any kind of malfunctioning. Don’t apply any kind of cleaning solution or spray or water directly on the TV screen directly. This can cause moisture to seep inside the TV and damages the hardware. Electricity and liquid together never sounds like a great idea.  Always apply the cleaning solution to the microfiber cloth first. Avoid using any cleaning agent that is extremely acidic or too harsh on your TV screen, as this can remove the preventive coating off your gentle screen. If you are not comfortable cleaning your TV, Download the Onedios app and call for a TV service expert.

4. Clean the casing and ports

Casing and ports are less sensitive than the screen, therefore it can be cleaned the same way with a dry or slightly wet cloth. Since the ports are located on the sides or in the back, they tend to gather a lot of dust.

5. Don’t skip cleaning your TV remote

A TV remote is at the most risk of hiding germs and bacteria since it is put to use by different members of the family in between other activities. Before cleaning the remote, remove the batteries so that pressing the buttons for cleaning does not impact the TV at all. You can apply an alcohol cleaning solution to a cotton cloth or wool pad to clean the buttons and sides. Don’t use a water-based solution, as this can damage the electronics within the remote.

How to prevent your TV from getting marks?

  • Avoid using rough cloths while cleaning the TV
  • Follow the manufacturer’s manual on how to clean the TV
  • Keep your children away from TV including their toys or your keys
  • If you are planning to transport your TV, pack it safely with a bubble wrap

If you are facing issues with your TV in your home or looking forward to buying an Extended Warranty plan for your LED TV or LCD TV, download the OneDios app and put in a request today. OneDios app is a one-stop-shop for all your TV-related issues and queries. Our aim is to offer a top-class professional facility for repair, fitting, and maintenance work. OneDios app makes it simple for the consumer to avail of the post-sales services without any difficulties. Onedios also keeps the track of your TV service in the past and if any part was replaced. At OneDios, you can also schedule the next TV service in advance. You can also buy an extended warranty and AMC’s for all TV brands like LG, Philips, Sony, Samsung, Haier, etc.