OneDios Tech

Top 5 Mistakes AC Owners Make

Our air conditioner has become our best friend during the summer months. We rely on it for relief from the hot summer sun. A good-quality air conditioning system is essential as you don’t want your AC unit to get damaged now and then. It is an important appliance in your home, and you must care for and regularly maintain it for smooth functioning. Air conditioning units generally last around 12 to 15 years or more if homeowners regularly put in little effort.       

Is your AC overdue for some service or maintenance? Schedule a customer care service with OneDios, before the summer heat gets too scorching. Some of the most common mistakes that homeowners make with their HVAC systems are listed below:

  • Failing to Clean the Air Filters

The air filters filter airborne particles like dust, pet dander, pollens, and other allergens out of the air in your home. After a few months, these filters become clogged and can no longer do their job. A clogged filter inhibits airflow through your system, leading to decreased efficiency, overheating, and expensive repairs. A dirty filter could increase energy costs by 5-15% annually!

So, it’s essential to check the filter every one to three months and replace it when it appears dirty. Homeowners who do routine AC maintenance notice an increase in air quality. 

  • Installing a Small or Large HVAC System

Many homeowners don’t realize that their HVAC system is too small or large for their home, which can cause the unit to work harder than necessary or use too much energy. If you install a unit that is too small, it will cause the unit to work too hard to heat or cool the house, resulting in increased energy bills. HVAC systems that are too large can cause you to use more energy than necessary, wasting a lot of money.

Before choosing an AC unit for your home, consult a professional who can provide the proper guidance. Get in touch with OneDios to schedule a consultation and guidance session with an AC Customer Care Executive.

  • Using the Wrong Thermostat Settings

One common misconception is that turning the thermostat down by several degrees will make AC work harder and respond faster to cool your home. This is an air conditioning myth, and it can cost you more money and is bound to waste energy. Setting the thermostat lower doesn’t speed up the cooling process, as the air conditioner will cool the room at its own pace.

  • Performing Repairs and Maintenance Yourself

Many people attempt to perform home maintenance or repairs to save money, but this can damage the appliance. It’s essential to leave the work to a skilled and trained technician, as they have a trained eye and the right tools to perform the required repair or service quickly. It may cost money to hire a professional, but it would be lesser than what you may spend on fixing damages you may have caused. 

Get in touch with the professionals at OneDios to schedule an immediate AC Company inspection. AC units need to have periodic maintenance, to function efficiently.

  • Skipping Regular Maintenance

Regularly maintaining your unit is key to guaranteeing that your air conditioner lasts long. We take our HVAC systems for granted until something goes wrong. Between indoor and outdoor units of an AC, it’s a complex machine. Many different parts are required to work in harmony for the smooth functioning of your air conditioner.

Routine maintenance is essential to make sure everything is working. A trained technician can identify potential issues before becoming big problems. It also ensures that the unit is clean, reduces energy usage, and extends the lifespan of your AC unit.

Experience has taught us regular maintenance, and resolving issues timely are the most effective ways to prevent emergency repairs and breakdowns of electrical appliances. The technicians at OneDios are well-experienced and offer guidance on keeping your air conditioning running smoothly and efficiently throughout the summers.

Regular AC maintenance results in a longer unit lifespan, increased energy efficiency, cheaper repair costs, enhanced air quality, and a comfortable home temperature. With OneDios, you can contact any customer service within 60 seconds, regardless of the brand—Whirlpool, LG, Crompton, Bajaj, Panasonic, Sony, Voltas, Kevinand so on. OneDios is the one-stop shop for all home appliance service and repair needs.

Use OneDios today and take good care of your AC!