OneDios Tech

How to Best Use RO Waste Water

In our quest for clean and purified drinking water, Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems have become commonplace in households. While RO technology efficiently removes impurities, it generates significant wastewater as a byproduct. Almost 75% of water is rejected by the RO during purification, meaning an average RO purifier wastes approximately 3 litres for every 1 litre of purified water. This rejected water is free of bacteria and viruses and has only dissolved impurities. Instead of letting this wastewater go down the drain, we can adopt a sustainable approach by utilising it for various purposes. If your water purifier service is due, download the “OneDios” app and generate an RO service request in a few clicks.  

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of using RO wastewater, the many things it can do, and how to make the most of this valuable resource judiciously.

The Importance of Using RO Waste Water

  1. Water Conservation: With the increasing issue of water scarcity worldwide, water conservation has become more crucial. Using RO waste water is an excellent method to achieve this goal. By repurposing RO wastewater, we can significantly reduce the strain on our water resources and make the most out of every drop. This method offers a sustainable solution to water scarcity, as it helps conserve water and ensures it is used efficiently. Download the OneDios app and book your water purifier service in 6 clicks. 
  2. Environmental Impact: Discharging untreated wastewater directly into the sewage system can have negative environmental consequences. The wastewater may contain a variety of pollutants, such as chemicals, pathogens, and heavy metals, which can harm aquatic life and contaminate water sources. By reusing this water, we can significantly reduce the burden on wastewater treatment plants and lessen the environmental impact. Additionally, treating wastewater for reuse can help conserve precious freshwater resources and reduce water demand. OneDios provides coverage against unexpected RO breakdowns and malfunctions, ensuring that repairs or component replacements are carried out promptly and without a significant financial burden on the consumer.

What Can You Do With RO Waste Water?

    1. Gardening and Irrigation: One of the most common and practical uses of RO waste water is gardening and irrigation. Plants can thrive on this slightly mineral-rich water, which helps conserve fresh drinking water.
    2. Cleaning and Mopping: RO wastewater can be used for cleaning floors, windows, utensils, and vehicles. Its lower mineral content makes it suitable for these purposes, reducing the need for fresh water.
    3. Flushing Toilets: In some households, RO waste water can be directed to the flushing system of toilets. This way, you can use it for a purpose that doesn’t require high-quality water.
    4. Pet Care: RO wastewater can fill your pet’s water bowls, as it’s safe for animals and reduces fresh water consumption.
    5. Laundry: Depending on the quality of RO wastewater, you can also use it for laundry. However, ensure that it won’t damage your washing machine or affect the cleanliness of your clothes.
  • Air Coolers: RO wastewater can also be used for water-based air coolers during summer. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all water purifier brands like Kent, Blue Star, Havells, AO SMITH RO, LIVPURE RO, AQUA FRESH RO, EUREKA FORBES RO, etc. Download the OneDios app and book your water purifier service in 6 clicks. 

How to Judiciously Use RO Waste Water

    1. Collection System: Set up a collection system to gather RO waste water. Attach a separate container or tank to your RO system’s waste water outlet.
    2. Storage: Store the collected wastewater in clean, covered containers to prevent contamination.
    3. Labelling: Clearly label containers to distinguish RO waste water from drinking water, ensuring no mix-up.
    4. Regular Use: Routinely use the stored wastewater for the purposes mentioned earlier. Be mindful of the quantity you collect and use, ensuring it doesn’t go to waste.
  • Monitor Quality: Monitor the quality of RO waste water. If it starts to smell or appears discoloured, it may not be suitable for specific uses, so redirect it to more appropriate tasks like flushing. To get the filters replaced on time, download the OneDios app now. OneDios also helps you track your previous RO service details, next RO service due date and parts replaced. 
  1. Safety Considerations: Remember that RO wastewater may contain some residual contaminants, albeit in lower concentrations. Avoid using it for tasks that require entirely pure water, such as cooking or drinking. By scheduling periodic visits from authorised technicians, OneDios can promptly identify and rectify any leaks, ensuring that your water purifier functions efficiently and prevents unnecessary water loss.


Making the most of RO waste water is environmentally responsible and a practical contribution to conservation efforts. Redirecting this water for various household purposes can reduce our dependence on freshwater sources and help alleviate water scarcity issues. To ensure the health & safety of your family and to keep your RO purifier running in good condition for longer, you must take excellent care of your RO purifier. Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and efficient resolution of issues are essential for ensuring the longevity and reliability of these devices. With OneDios, a platform offering standard service and extended warranty, you can effectively address common water purifier problems.

So, next time you hear your RO system’s hum, consider its waste water’s potential uses and take a step towards a more sustainable and water-conscious lifestyle.