Register As Partner

Register as OneDios Partner

  • All Dealers need to register once on the OneDios platform. The details for the dealer are asked in three tabs.
  • Tab 1: “Dealer information”-
  •  Owner Name: Name of the owner of the dealership
  • Company Name: The name of the legal entity of the dealership
  • Email: Email id on which the dealership wishes to receive its credential information.
  • Primary Mobile: The mobile number which shall receive sms notifications from OneDios.
  • Password and Confirm Password: Please choose a password and confirm it. This password shall be used to login to the dealer portal by dealer using the dealer user id credentials that shall be sent on email and sms by OneDios.

  • Tab 2: “Location

This location will be the default primary location of the dealership.

  • Contact Name: Name of the dealership contact
  • Address Line-1: The address of the Outlet that will be registered with the account.
  • Address Line-2: The address with the street and the area of the outlet.
  • Pin Code: The area code of the location of the outlet.
  • Area: The particular area of the location can be chosen from the drop down.
  • City: City in which the outlet is located. (Automatically populated)
  • State: The state in which the outlet is located. (Automatically populated)
  • Country: The country where the outlet is located. (Automatically populated)

Please click Next to go the next tab

  • Tab3: “Documents

The Dealer needs to upload the images of its documents. There are three placeholders –

  • Dealer PAN Card
  • Dealer Company incorporation document
  • Any other company identification/proof document.

Uploading one of the two documents- dealer Pan Card or CIN Document is mandatory

Click on “Submit” after uploading the documents.

Please select the checkbox confirming your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of OneDios website and mobile applications.

NOTE: It will take up to 24 hours for the verification and approval of the dealer’s account.

Industry Talk

OneDios- The solution to all your after-sale needs

Industry Talk

OneDios for Business – Benefits for Daikin Dealers

Industry Talk

OneDios- the partner you’ll need post-lockdown

OneDios Talks

Collaboration tools to make virtual working effective

Lockdown times have thrown interesting new challenges at us. One of them is how to effectively work from home and collaborate with your colleagues, teams, friends, customers, vendors and other stakeholders.

Following is a list of tested tools that OneDios team found very useful in its day to day working during these times


Google Hangouts

Free, simple to use and


Initial security scare notwithstanding, zoom had a deep presence in Indian workplace.

Microsoft Teams

Free + premium model but practically free for a SME with need of basic collaboration tools.

Zoho CRM

A great place for keeping your sales team on the same page about progress on your opportunities and keep a track of your funnel.

Google docs

While it still falls short of all the wonderful feature we are used to on the Microsoft platform, its integration with Gsuite, easy availability and collaboration features has made it very popular for co creating document.

Google Drive

The mother pod for files that need regular access and collaboration across devices for the whole team.


Another version of a repository on cloud


Microsoft’s take on the cloud repository

Microsoft One Note

As thoughts take shape and various streams get opened, a nice tool to create and share anything that concerns more than one individual.


A mind mapping tool. Lets you utilize your thinking moments to result in something concrete and go in different directions while keeping track of where all and what all you though. Export features help create documents much faster

Whatsapp chat



Want your technical issue solved? Co create a picture? Give or take control of a screen? Think of Anydesk. Simple, light, effective


Whasapp voice/video calls

the gold standard of call quality. When even the phone netwrok feels scratchy, whatsapp calls have helped carry out long dicussions.

OneDios Talks

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Covid-19 has put all of us in a state of flux. From an economic perspective, the world has never been more unsure as to how would it turn out today or tomorrow or after a week after or even a year from today. We are now not sure how many interruptions will Covid -19 or similar pandemics bring in the future. Every analysis is reduced to just a speculation.

Large corporations are finding it tough…they are huge ships who have weathered many storms in the past and are using the best resources available in house and outside to gauge what is in store for them.

Medium size businesses are like cruiser ships… Some even more profitable than large ships and they can possibly wear out even better.

The small businesses are where it hurts the most…just like the lower strata of society which has got most exposed during these times.

Just like any other adversity, the best we can do at such time is to learn how to deal with it and adapt to the new normal (if there is one). When the goal post is moving, the adjustment becomes that much more difficult… Just like the increase in level of difficulty for a sniper with a moving target.

Startups have been caught unaware. This is baptism by fire. Some of the survival techniques are

Look Inward & do long pending housekeeping

Now is the time to do all that you could not devote time and energy to when you were going full steam ahead. Establish the processes. Take your time to revisit your business strategy and the impact the current pandemic has on it. Look at releasing that ever delayed travel policy you could not find time to release. Maybe you want your employee hire to retire handbook out now. The time to build a view to look at your business health n a single sheet is now.

Build personal and organization eminence

Now is the time to use social media to your advantage. All work from home professionals now have more time in their hands and you can catch their eyeballs – whether it is prospects or industry influencers or investors or any other community. Showcase your subject matter expertise by creating articles that display your grip on the depth of a topic in your professional pursuits. Build your professional network.

Hunker down on Cash

Cash is the single biggest asset that any organization can preserve right now. Have a deep hard look at your financial commitments and cut down whatever is not mandatory right now. Renegotiate the office lease, scale down the cloud usage if you can, examine un-utilized retainerships, purchase reorders for consumables..everything.

OneDios People

How OneDios successfully hacked virtual working

Like businesses all around, we entered March with a “plan”. And it was working perfectly! We’d just moved into our amazing new office, Our application had gone live and we’d signed on our first investors. We looked forward to ending our first year on a high. But there were clouds on the horizon. As the Covid 19 pandemic gripped the world we had to adapt and adapt fast. Unlike the big multinationals with there detailed disaster management policies and abundance of resources at their disposal, we had to think fast and put a plan in place. Constantly hustling and adapting to change is something is a skill set you develop as a startup and so we played to our strengths i.e. Our people, our passion and pure grit to keep things running. We are proud to be sharing what has worked for us.

Tightening up those wallet strings

This was top priority, putting in place a financial plan to see us through the crisis. However unlike businesses who reacted to the situation by defaulting to cost cuts, we used it as an opportunity to challenge our cost base and redefine what would be essential expenditure. We had to get our cost base leaner but smarter. This plan was put in place not simply for the lockdown, but our broader cost strategy as well. Eg. IT infrastructure needed more investment which we met through renegotiating lease expenses.

Staying connected

We ensured our teams were set up to work remotely well before the lockdown was put in place. This meant providing IT infrastructure, setting up support systems and helping them get into a routine for virtual working. Through the use of Hangouts meet, Zoom and other collaboration we ensured we were always connected and able to solve problems faster and more efficiently. Our daily virtual huddles have helped us take stock, set goals and track progress seamlessly.


We knew the lockdown would impact different people differently. The challenges our people faced ranged from lack of getting essential supplies to what we’ve termed as WFH fatigue. So empathy has been at the centre of all our interactions with the team. We understand our teams aren’t simply working from home, but are trying to work through a global crisis. By promoting a culture of honesty and openness we’ve been able to help our people navigate the long road to getting used to the “new normal”.

Passionate leadership

The best of plans can fail under poor leadership. Seeing our founders live and breathe their passion and vision for OneDios has been nothing but intoxicating for our teams. In a world flooded with news of loss, our founders have helped paint their vision of the bright future that OneDios is heading for perfectly. From our daily huddles, to client meetings, having strong focused leadership can make all the difference when it comes to raising morale. They celebrate our successes and guide us through our failures.

OneDios Talks

Introduction to OneDios

OneDios People

OneDios Values and Culture

Our Values and Culture

Whether it be our clients, customers or our employees, People are at the centre of all that we do. After all, OneDios was founded with the sole purpose of making everyday lives easier.

Our people are the foundation of our business. We understand that our culture will be derived and defined by these people. We strive to provide equal opportunity to all by transcending the boundaries of all biases. This helps us ensure that we are attracting and retaining the best talent from all parts of the society. We believe in building an environment that provides our people with experiences which help unlock their potential and help them grow professionally with us.

Our values define who we are, what we stand for, and how we do business. They are the pillars of how we work within our teams and with our clients. They guide us in our everyday decision making and in still in us the responsibility to always do our best.

Constant Evolution

Disruption and evolution is at the heart of what we do. We believe in constantly evolving not only what we do, but how and when we do it. Which is why you will find you’ll never find a OneDios office which isn’t abuzz with excitement, innovation and energy . So we look to constantly innovate, test, retest and learn along the way. After all, “reinvented” is literally, our last name

Keeping it Simple

We believe disruption and complexity, just do not mix. Which is why we are
constantly working on making things simpler, more agile and scalable. This includes
not only our products, but our teams, our offices, everything!

Being One Team

We believe in building a diverse and inclusive work space where our people feel empowered to provide their perspective and share feedback. We care about each other, our clients and endeavour to build an environment where everyone can perform at their best! Our people and our teams are our biggest assets so we foster a culture of collaboration. So no matter how big or small the task, help is always around.

Making a Difference

We build and deliver innovative solutions to the challenges faced by our clients, our people and the wider society. With this in mind, we are proactively looking for innovative ways to do our part in making our society and our world a better place.