The refrigerator is the unsung hero of our kitchens, keeping our food fresh and our beverages chilled. It’s easy to take this appliance for granted, but there are common mistakes that many refrigerator owners unintentionally make. These errors can lead to inefficiencies, food spoilage, and increased energy consumption. Schedule a refrigerator customer care service with OneDios, before it’s too late.

This blog uncovers these mistakes and provides practical solutions to ensure your refrigerator remains a reliable and efficient part of your daily life.

1. Poor Organization

Mistake: Haphazardly arranging items in the refrigerator can obstruct airflow, leading to uneven cooling and potential food spoilage.

Solution: Group similar items together and use designated shelves for specific categories (e.g., fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats). Allow enough space between items for proper air circulation. A neatly organised refrigerator saves money and time, reduces food waste and unpleasant smells, and increases the fridge’s efficiency.

2. Overloading the Fridge

Mistake: Cramming the refrigerator with too much food can hinder air circulation, making it harder for the appliance to maintain a consistent temperature, resulting in higher energy bills.

Solution: Avoid overloading the refrigerator and ensure there’s space between items to allow for proper cooling. If your fridge is packed, consider decluttering to create better airflow. A well-stocked refrigerator uses less energy compared to an almost empty fridge. However, you can extend the life of your refrigerator with timely service and extend the warranty of your appliance.

3. Neglecting the Coils

Mistake: Ignoring the condenser coils at the back or underneath the refrigerator can lead to dust buildup, reducing the appliance’s cooling efficiency, shortening its lifespan and increasing the electricity bill.

Solution: Regularly clean the condenser coils with a brush or vacuum to remove dust and debris. This ensures optimal heat exchange and energy efficiency. OneDios can help you schedule a professional cleaning service for your refrigerator’s condenser coils.

4. Frequent Door Opening

Mistake: Repeatedly opening and closing the refrigerator door can cause temperature fluctuations and energy wastage.

Solution: Minimize the number of times you open the fridge door. Plan, and avoid standing with the door open while deciding what to take out. If the door seals are worn or torn, the refrigerator may be partially shut even if you close it properly. Seals that are damaged need to be replaced immediately. 

5. Storing Hot or Uncovered Food

Mistake: Placing hot, uncovered or warm food directly in the refrigerator can raise the internal temperature and make the appliance work harder to cool down.

Solution: Allow hot food to cool to room temperature before placing it in the fridge. This prevents unnecessary strain on the cooling system. Cover the food items before keeping them to avoid foul odours.

6. Ignoring Gasket Maintenance

Mistake: Neglecting the rubber gasket (seal) around the refrigerator door can result in leaks of cold air, making the appliance work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

Solution: Clean the gasket regularly to remove dirt and debris. Test its effectiveness by closing the door on a piece of paper – if you can easily pull the paper out, it’s time to replace the gasket. If you are facing any issues or need help replacing the fridge gasket, download the OneDios app and put in a request today. 

7. Not Using Temperature Settings

Mistake: Not setting the refrigerator to the appropriate temperature can affect the freshness and safety of your food.

Solution: Consult the manufacturer’s recommendations and adjust the temperature settings accordingly. Typically, the fridge should be kept between 34°F and 40°F (1°C to 4°C). Maintaining a steady temperature will prevent food from spoiling. For any query regarding temperature levels, please call experts at OneDios.

8. Poor Ventilation

Mistake: Placing the refrigerator too close to the walls or near the microwave, stove, or windows hamper the airflow, impacting cooling efficiency and increasing energy costs.

Solution: It is recommended that the refrigerator is positioned at least 1 inch away from the walls to dispense the heat generated during refrigeration and ensure efficient operation. For any queries regarding fridge placement, feel free to call experts at OneDios. Furthermore, it’s best to avoid placing the refrigerator near a heat source or in direct sunlight, as this can increase energy consumption.

9. Overlooking Service and Maintenance

Mistake: Missing yearly refrigerator service reminders leads to malfunctions and sometimes expensive repairs. Also, not having an extended warranty in such cases might prove costlier.

Solution : It is essential to service your refrigerator to ensure comprehensive maintenance regularly. It is recommended to have your fridge serviced at least twice a year by an expert who can check its condition and address any issues. OneDios offers assistance in scheduling servicing appointments with authorised technicians. Despite regular maintenance, problems may still arise with your fridge. In such cases, an extended warranty can provide helpful coverage. If you are looking forward to buying an Extended Warranty plan for your refrigerator, download the OneDios app and put in a request today.


Your refrigerator is an integral part of your kitchen, and avoiding these common blunders can help you maintain its efficiency and prolong its lifespan. By following these practical solutions, you can ensure that your food stays fresh, your energy bills remain low, and your appliance serves you reliably. For prompt refrigerator repairs, give OneDios a call or download the OneDios app.

At OneDios, we have designed a platform that allows you to access services from all your favourite brands in just a few minutes. We aim to revolutionise customer service by making it simpler, faster, and more efficient. With OneDios, you can quickly contact customer care for any issue and book services within a minute without any hassle. If you are facing any problems with your fridge, download the OneDios app and upload the details of your Refrigerator today. You can also buy the extended warranty and AMCs for all brands like Whirlpool, Samsung, Godrej, LG, etc.

Remember, a little attention and care can go a long way in keeping your refrigerator functioning at its best.


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